2011 - 2012 Catalog Archive


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Adult Liberal Studies Required Courses
Adult Liberal Studies Program Requirements 
Individualized Degree Program Requirements and Options 
Honors in CALL  
Career and Life Planning



Rocket Hall 1830/1840 Main Campus


Dennis Lettman, Dean

Margaret Fritz, Assistant Dean

Mary Jo Borden, Assistant Director
Career and Life Planning

Beth Gerasimiak, Director
Educational and Lifelong Learning Services

Kim Pollauf, Director
Undergraduate Degree Programs

For updates to College Staff go to www.utoledo.edu/call/

Mission Statement: The College of Adult and Lifelong Learning (CALL) provides access, career and life coaching, degree completion and academic support to new, continuing and reentering adult learners in a respectful and nurturing environment. CALL helps students transition to college life and establish a foundation for educational attainment, career success and lifelong learning.

Population Served:

The College of Adult and Lifelong Learning serves new, continuing, returning, exploring and prospective students who meet any one of the following criteria:

  • Age 25 or above
  • Are financially independent of parents
  • Veteran or active military status
  • Delayed the start of college or have earned some college credit
  • Individuals with diverse interests and career goals that are not being met   by existing UT degree programs
  • Individuals who are working, have busy lifestyles or are place bound and desire a non-traditional approach to completing a college degree

Career and Life Planning

Career and Life Planning services will help guide potential students to reflect on their career, personal, educational and financial goals. These services can help you if you are considering college, returning to college, uncertain of career plans, changing careers, and/or involved with other life transitions.

Military and Veteran Services

The Military Service Center (MSC) assists former and active duty military students and their spouses and dependents with accessing military benefits.   The MSC helps students with the application and certification process so they may receive their educational benefits toward tuition and fees. The Military Service Center also assists students with obtaining military transcripts and posting credit, student support services and community resource referrals.

Program 60

Program 60 provides educational experiences at reduced rates to individuals 60 years of age or older who have resided in Ohio for at least the last 12 consecutive months. Enrollment is limited to space availability which is determined on the last day of the regular registration period. Students must meet all course prerequisites to enroll.

The University of Toledo will waive tuition costs for older adults who wish to audit college courses. The students do not earn college credit. Students must apply for admission and register for courses through the College of Adult and Lifelong Learning. All Program 60 participants are responsible for any additional fees such as the cost of textbooks, general fees, lab fees, technology fees, faculty fees, special service fees, distance learning course fees, library, parking and other fees.

Program 60 students are not eligible to enroll in an independent study course, studio art courses, private music lessons or other similar courses.

The University of Toledo is governed by the Ohio Revised Code in administering this program. Ohio Revised Code may be viewed at http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3345.27.

Individuals 60 years of age or older who wish to earn a college degree or credit for UT courses must apply for admission and pay current tuition and fees as a general UT student.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Program


Prior Learning Assessment is based on the notion that college-level learning can be achieved outside of the classroom. The following are ways in which prior learning can be demonstrated, evaluated and converted to college credit. 

  • Standardized Testing—Students demonstrate college-level learning through nationally recognized examinations. The University of Toledo accepts examination scores from Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) and International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations.
  • Non-Sponsored Collegiate Learning—Students have demonstrated college-level learning in an educational setting. In most instances, this credit would be equivalent to specific courses or transcribed as transfer credit. The American Council on Education (ACE) recommended college credit and military credit is accepted 
  • Credit by examination—Students demonstrate college-level learning through course-specific examinations created and evaluated by faculty assessors from the department/school in which the course is offered from the university. Colleges and/or specific programs may establish guidelines on the acceptance of credit by examination in accord with any directive on credit by examination issued by the Ohio Board of regents.
  • Experiential Learning Portfolio—Students demonstrate college-level learning by submitting a collection of evidence that documents the match between their experiential learning and learning outcomes of a specific course offered at The University of Toledo. Colleges and/or specific programs may establish guidelines on the acceptance of experiential learning portfolios in accord with any directive on learning portfolios issued by the Ohio Board for Regents. 
  • The university follows the directives on the transfer and articulation of Tech Prep credit as directed by the Ohio Board of Regents.

The undergraduate academic policy on Credit for Prior Learning, policy number 3364-71-17 can be found at http://www.utoledo.edu/policies/academic/index.html.


College of Adult and Lifelong Learning Degree (CALL)Programs


Admission to the CALL Degree Programs

Students must have a minimum 2.00 grade point average (GPA) for direct admission into a baccalaureate program in CALL Degree Programs. In addition, students can be admitted to CALL’s Individualized Program when they have earned 20 semester hours (or 30 quarter hours) of academic credit from an accredited school. Students who meet any one of the college’s criteria for an adult learner may enter the Adult Liberal Studies (ALS) program without this prerequisite. All entering students and those working toward their 20 hour requirement are required to meet with an adviser to determine and plan a program of study.


Transferring into CALL’s Degree Programs

Students wishing to transfer into CALL’s Degree Programs must meet the minimum entrance requirements of The University of Toledo. Students wishing to transfer into any CALL baccalaureate program must have a minimum cumulative 2.0 higher education GPA (i.e. combined GPA for all coursework taken at post-secondary institutions) and a minimum 2.00 UT GPA if applicable. Students who do not meet this GPA requirement can be admitted to the College and work towards meeting the admission requirements for the degree programs. Courses from an approved institution may be used, as applicable, toward a student’s individualized or special program of study. However, the maximum number of effective transferable credits is 94 semester hours, with a limit of 84 hours at the 1000 or 2000 level. The General Section of this catalog has information on admission and transfer.


A graduate of an accredited institution of higher education may apply to CALL for a second bachelor’s degree. An acceptable program of study in this case entails a minimum of 30 semester hours of additional work. Any student who has earned a bachelor’s degree from CALL in an Individualized Program may not earn a second degree in another Individualized Program.


Pass/No Credit Grading

The option of a Pass/No Credit grade is not available to a CALL bachelor’s degree student unless this is the only grading option for the course. However, a grade of Pass obtained while a student was enrolled in another college may be transferred to CALL provided it is applicable to the student’s new program.

Honors in CALL

The University of Toledo offers all students of exceptional academic ability the opportunity to enter a special program of academic rigor and challenge. For further details on the Honors Program, students should contact their advisers. Students who have demonstrated exceptional promise may be invited to participate in CALL Honors. These students’ programs will be developed in close conjunction with the college honors adviser. The minimum requirements for consideration for the CALL Honors Program are 20 hours of completed course work and at least a 3.3 GPA.


Field Experiences and Internships


CALL Degree Program students have the opportunity to earn credit hours toward their degree while completing a practical experience outside the classroom. A field experience is a project-based experience, while an internship is meant to be an exposure to a new career field. A maximum of eight credits can be earned in any combination of a field experience and/or internship.


Note: All new CALL students who have not already completed a comparable University of Toledo orientation course are required to take UC 1000. 


Undergraduate Programs of Study - Baccalaureate Programs

Individualized Program – Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A. or B.S.)

Adult Liberal Studies (B.A.)


Individualized Programs – Interdisciplinary Studies (IDVP)

An individualized program of study is based on a student’s unique interests and goals, which would not be addressed by a traditional program of study. The degree awarded is the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science, depending upon the program. The designated major is Individualized Program: Interdisciplinary Studies.

Students considering an individualized program of study will receive assistance from an academic adviser in preparing an individualized program. Important considerations in the formulation of a program are as follows:

  • The program must be interdisciplinary or intercollegiate in nature (broad in scope, incorporating course work from more than one discipline).
  • The program must not duplicate an existing program of study in another college of the university.
  • The student’s objectives must be clearly stated and appropriate courses identified for achieving these objectives.

A CALL student will receive guidance in designing his/her individualized program, often through multiple advising sessions. The program is reviewed by the Individualized Degree Program Faculty Review Committee. Once the program meets all CALL Degree Program requirements and is accepted, the program of study must be followed. Prior written approval is necessary to make any course substitutions. If a program is denied, a student may appeal the decision. Advisers work with students to prevent this from happening.


The individualized program of study is particularly useful for students with associate’s degrees and those with a variety of credits – serving as a degree completion option. Students enjoy the benefits of flexibility, individual attention to their needs, personalized advising, access to all of UT's academic resources and the ability to use UT classes to best reflect their academic and career goals and needs.

Students may take no more than 30 semester hours of course work from the College of Business Administration, with no more than three courses in any one department, with the exception that up to eight courses are permitted in Business Administration (BUAD).


Individualized Degree Program Requirements and Options

The University Undergraduate Core Curriculum requirements, detailed in the General Section of The University of Toledo Undergraduate Catalog, must be fulfilled by all baccalaureate degree students. In fulfilling The University of Toledo Core Curriculum, CALL Individualized baccalaureate degree students must meet the following specific requirements:

  • One English Literature elective
  • One Philosophy elective
  • One American Government or one American History elective
  • One Economics elective
  • One elective from Anthropology, Geography, Psychology or Sociology
  • One Speech elective


Thirty-nine semester hours must be completed in upper division courses (numbered 3000 or 4000). Any transfer work will be applied at the same level in which it was taken at the home institution. Students must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of work in residence as a CALL Degree Program student. The minimum number of approved credit hours required for completion of a baccalaureate degree from the College of Adult and Lifelong Learning is 124 semester hours and may be more, depending upon the agreed program content.


Students build a program of study by creating an area of emphasis with an academic adviser, together, matching student interest, background and skills with UT curriculum to create a program of study fulfilling remaining graduation requirements.


Graduates of the Individualized Program find jobs in the specific fields to which their studies are geared. They have the ability to succeed in the arts, in government agencies and in business organizations. Also, many students choose to continue their education in graduate and professional programs.



Adult Liberal Studies (ALS)

Adult students, 25 years of age or older, may earn Bachelor of Arts degree by completing a broad, liberal arts-based curriculum. Courses in this program are scheduled to facilitate attendance by those having other full-time responsibilities. Students benefit from a wide scope of subjects, seminar formatted student driven classes that focus on a specific topic, explore events and attitudes through critical thinking and interaction with other adult students.


Students begin by enrolling in the Adult Liberal Studies Introductory Seminar (ALS 2500) . In conjunction with individual advising, students are introduced to liberal studies by emphasizing processes that build effective critical thinking and writing as foundations. Students progress to topical seminars that utilize skills developed earlier in the program. Students pick a concentration related to an area that meets their professional or personal goals. Students take an active role in determining the direction and content of their learning. This program can also serve as a degree completion option for those with existing college credit.


Graduates find their broad education valuable in finding employment opportunities in all business, industry and service sectors. Many choose to pursue advanced degrees in law, health and other areas of special interest.


Online Option

The ALS program seminars can also be completed entirely online. Minimum computer skills are advised for online courses, such as Internet navigation, Blackboard 9.1, email and basic knowledge of Microsoft Office.


CLEP Scores for the ALS Program

Students may have the potential to take the CLEP (College Level Examination Program). These examinations are given to establish competency in the general education discipline areas of mathematics, humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. These four discipline areas are required for graduation. The required general education credit hours and the regulations for the CLEP exams for this program are as follows:

1.      Students earning a CLEP exam score of below 50 or those choosing not to take the CLEP exam must earn a minimum of three semester hours of credit in a math general education course. A minimum of nine semester hours each of credit in general education courses in the areas of the humanities, social science and natural science are required. Independent studies may not be substituted for any general education course.

2.      Students who take any courses in these four discipline areas after entry into the ALS program forfeit their right to apply CLEP credit in that discipline toward their ALS degree. In addition, passing scores on the general education courses are required as prerequisites to enroll in the ALS topical seminars. Therefore, students are encouraged to take the CLEP exams early in their academic endeavors.

3.      Students who have taken course work in any of these discipline areas prior to entry into the ALS program and subsequently earn CLEP credit cannot have both count toward meeting general education requirements.

4.      Students earning a CLEP exam score of 50 will have 10 semester hours of credit posted to their transcripts.

5.      Students earning a CLEP exam score of 45 to 49 may retake the exam after a period of six months.


Adult Liberal Studies Program Requirements


Topical Seminars

These seminars are upper-division courses in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences that change each semester. Students are required to take three seminars in each discipline area in order to graduate and may take a 10th seminar as an elective. No more than 10 ALS seminars will be counted toward fulfillment of graduation requirements. Students are responsible for fulfilling the program’s prerequisites and should seek an academic adviser’s guidance before enrolling in courses. Students who enroll in a topical seminar without the required prerequisites may be administratively dropped from the course.


Prerequisites for the ALS Topical Seminars

1.      Completion of both a freshman orientation course and the ALS Introductory Seminar.

2.      Earned credits in College Composition I and II by taking and passing the courses or CLEP beginning 2012.

3.      Completion of a minimum of nine credit hours in the discipline area of the topical seminar or passing the CLEP examination in the discipline of the seminar with a 50 or above score. 


Students are to establish an emphasis area that ties together their educational interests and/or career aspirations. The objective of these courses should be academic investigation and should focus on sound educational goals. Students should seek the advice of an academic adviser in drafting their elective course components.

Area of Concentration

Students are required to complete a minimum of three classes (nine hours) of upper-division courses (3000/4000) that are associated with an area of academic investigation or a knowledge base that is related in theoretical content to support the Senior Thesis.

Senior Thesis

The senior thesis is the capstone requirement of the ALS program. It is a four-credit-hour project undertaken with a faculty member as the thesis adviser. Students should seek the advice of an academic adviser and must turn in the appropriate paperwork before enrolling in this final requirement. Students are expected to integrate their respective thesis themes with their Concentration courses. 

ALS Honors
The ALS Honors program provides a valuable foundation of writing and research for students who want to be admitted into advanced graduate or professional programs or for those wanting a stimulating learning experience. Any student qualifying for ALS Honors needs to complete 36 Honors hours with a final 3.3 GPA or better to graduate with College Honors.

Adult Liberal Studies Required Courses

 UT Core

Orientation                                                                            1 hr.

One math course or CLEP Test                                               3 hrs.

English Comp I                                                                      3 hrs.

English Comp II                                                                     3 hrs.


University College Core

ALS 2500 – Introductory Seminar                                               2 hrs.

Humanities General Ed or CLEP                                                   9-10 hrs.

Social Sciences General Ed or CLEP                                              9-10 hrs.

Natural Sciences General Ed or CLEP                                            9-10 hrs.


Liberal Studies Core

3 ALS 3040 – Social Science Seminars                                           12 hrs.

3 ALS 3050 – Humanities Seminars                                               12 hrs.

3 ALS 3060 – Natural Sciences Seminars                                       12 hrs.

3 Concentration* (3000-4000 level)                                              9 hrs.

Senior Thesis*                                                                               4 hrs.


Electives                                                                                    26-36 hrs.

Courses electives are selected in consultation with adviser. Many of these may be fulfilled by transfer credit if applicable.

Last Updated: 7/15/24