Environmental Health and Radiation Safety

What to do in the event of a CHEMICAL EMERGENCY

NOTE: Health Science Campus employees should refer to the Hazardous Material Spill Procedure, # HM-08-013, for spill response protocols unique to the patient care setting.

If the spill poses immediate danger to building occupants:

  • Close the door.
  • Alert others in the area of the need to evacuate as quickly as possible and immediately leave the area.
  • From a safe location, contact Dispatch 419-530-2600 (MC) or 419-383-2600 (HSC). If you are off campus, call 9-1-1.

When reporting a chemical spill, provide the following information:

  • Aspill/release has occurred;
  • The type/quantity of material involved;
  • The exact location of the incident (building, room number, etc.);
  • Injuries/fire which may have occurred.


Last Updated: 7/15/24