Educator Quality Dashboard
Performance and Employment
Completer Survey – The JHCOE administers a survey before and at the end of the student teaching that focuses on common teaching and learning skills. The primary goal is to gauge the student teachers’ perceived readiness to teach before and after the student teaching experience. A secondary goal is to obtain additional feedback on areas in which student teachers felt additional preparation was needed. Similarly, the Ohio Department of Higher Education surveys pre-service teacher candidates from the JHCOE to gauge perceived readiness to assume the role of teacher at the end of the candidate’s program.
Employment Distribution – Upon licensure, the College tracks where its graduates become employed. These statistics are updated regularly and attempt to follow change in employment over time. An electronic system is maintained that includes school district, school building, grade level, and subjects taught in the place of employment per graduate of the JHCOE. Graduates may be found teaching in schools across the United States and abroad.
Employment Rates – The JHCOE is required to calculate job placement rates across various reports. These efforts began with the 2011-12 academic year. As graduates are tracked in their professional career, employment is categorized to reflect the type of school and assignment for which the graduate has been hired, or to reflect a change in career.
Value-Added Scores – State of Ohio Value-added scores for educators are determined using the licensure database, Connected Ohio Records for Educators (CORE) and the general Ohio Department of Education database, Educational Management Information System (EMIS). Educators who applied for initial licensure are linked with the institution of higher education that recommended them for licensure. Then, these recommended educators are matched to any teacher/principal job(s) they held at public schools in Ohio and are subsequently matched with any value-added data assigned to them. Value-added data are available for the student growth portion of educator evaluation in grades 4-8 English language arts and mathematics (Ohio Department of Education, 2015). Each educator who has value-added data is scored at one of five levels as follows: least effective, approaching average, average, above average, and most effective.