Below you will find tutorials for video editing applications, college-specific software and manuals for equipment you may find in the Carver Center.
- Digitally Sign PDF - macOS
- Digitally Sign PDF - Adobe Acrobat (Windows or macOS)
- Anthology Portfolio - student field guide (for all concentrations)
- Virtual Lab - instructions for accessing different software applications through the virtual computer labs.
Video Editing
- iMovie 09 - legacy software, may not work on 10.11 or newer macOS
- iMovie 10 tutorial - current version installed on Carver Center computers
- Windows Movie Maker
- Windows Movie Maker 2012 - Compression Settings
- Shotcut - an open source video playback and editing application that is available on macOS, Windows and Linux. With the deprecation of Windows Movie Maker, the Carver Center now recommends using Shotcut on the Windows.
Equipment Manuals
Canon FS 300
Canon Vixia HF R100