The Herb Innovation Center

Falynn Thompson, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researcher/The Herb Innovation Center
Falynn Thompson


Office: Gillham Hall 3100-U
Office Phone: 419-530-6129
Mailing address:  Mail Stop 914
2801 West Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606-3390


  • Ph.D., University of Kentucky – Lexington, Educational Psychology, 2021
  • MS, University of Kentucky – Lexington, Educational Psychology, 2012
  • BA, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, Psychology, 2008


Lyman T. Johnson Fellowship


Falynn Thompson is a Postdoctoral Researcher in The Herb Innovation Center at the University of Toledo. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Kentucky in 2021.

Prior to Dr. Thompson’s role as a Postdoctoral Researcher, she taught educational psychology, provided lectures on diversity and psychometric topics, and researched various academic motivational constructs as they relate to the educational outcomes and experiences of students of color.  Falynn has also coordinated campus programming and has served as a mentor to many undergraduate and graduate students.

Research Focus Areas:

Thompson’s research interests include identifying and addressing the presence of whiteness in education, antiracist pedagogy, and scale development and validation.


Thompson, F. A., & Matias, C. E. (under review). Whiteness and social justice. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education.

Thompson, F. A., Tyler, K. M., Matias, C. E., & Toland, M. D. (under review). Exploring preservice teachers' practices and perspectives on whiteness. Whiteness and Education.

Matias, C. E., Thompson, F. A., & Luney, L. T. (Manuscript Accepted). When the white dwarfs burn our color: Whiteness, emotionality, and the will to thrive in higher education. Research Issues in Contemporary Education.

Peterson, C. M., Toland, M. D., Matthews, A., Mathews, S., Thompson, F., & Conard, L. A. E. (2020). “Exploring the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire in treatment seeking transgender youth.” Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 7(3), 304-315.

Bliss, K. T., Mensah, R., Bradley, K. D., Rodgers, A., & Thompson, F. (2018). “Using a transactional model and thematic analysis to evaluate a minority male student success initiative to improve participants’ campus experience and retention.” International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5(4), 713-730.

Hargrave, L. D., Tyler, K. M., Thompson, F., & Danner, F. (2016). An examination of the association between student-teacher interactions and academic self-concept among African American male high school students. Journal of African American Males in Education, 7, 33-49.

Tyler, K. M., Thompson F. A., Gay D. E., Burris, J., Lloyd, H., & Fisher, S. (2016). Internalized stereotypes and academic self-handicapping among Black American male high school students. Negro Educational Review67(1-4):5-31. 


  •  EDP3200 Applied Psychology for Teachers  
Last Updated: 7/15/24