Judith Herb College of Education

Diversity Committee Annual Report 2021-2022


Submitted by Drs. Rhonda Aguiton and Lynne Hamer, co-chairs
Work completed in the 2021-2022 academic year included:

  1. Welcomed Dr. Revathy Kumar as Diversity Liaison/Inclusion Officer for the JHCOE, as
    well as faculty members new to the committee: Dr. Natasha Johnson, Dr. Dale
    Snauwaert, Dr. Christine Fox (alternate), and Dr. Colleen Fitzpatrick (alternate).
  2. Increased student representation and welcomed members Aaron Baker, Amerah Archer,
    and Gena Collier.
  3. Updated JHCOE Diversity Committee webpage
    (https://www.utoledo.edu/education/committees/diversity/ ).
  4. Completed JHCOE Diversity Strategic Plan, 2020-2023, aligned with with UToledo
    Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, 2020-2023, and including Goals and
    Strategies for the college.
  5. Finalized Diversity Committee bylaws including increasing voting representatives of
    students to two undergraduate and two graduate.
  6. Submitted testimony opposing HBs 322 and 327 to the Ohio House of Representatives.
  7. Hosted the 2-day virtual symposium Cultural Competence as an Ongoing Process:
    Learning from Our Communities, Our Students, and Ourselves
    (https://www.utoledo.edu/education/committees/diversity/ )
  8. Initiated student presentations at a JHCOE faculty meeting, with the first presenter, Max
    Venia, graduating senior in the JHCOE, presenting “LGBTQ Youth and Education” at
    the last Special College Meeting.
Last Updated: 12/5/23