Judith Herb College of Education

Colleen Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.

Judith Daso-Herb Endowed Chair in International Experiences

Assistant Professor

Department of Teacher Education


Academic Program: Social Studies Education

Office: Gillham Hall 2000HH
Office Phone: 419-530-4347
Email:  colleen.fitzpatrick@utoledo.edu
Mailing Address:
2801 West Bancroft Street
Mail Stop 924
Toledo, OH 43606-3390

List of Degrees:

  • University of Virginia, Curriculum and Instruction (Social Studies Education), 2018
  • University of Portland, MAT, PACE Program, 2010
  • University of Notre Dame, BA (History and Music) 2008


Dr. Colleen Fitzpatrick, an assistant professor in social studies education, has been appointed the Judith Daso-Herb Endowed Chair in International Experiences. In this new role, Dr. Fitzpatrick will explore the impact of Rocket Kids on preservice teachers, with a focus on broadening their global perspectives and enhancing their professional development.

Dr. Fitzpatrick has research interests in social studies education, classroom teaching and learning, religion and education. "My research focuses on the complex and interactional role the context of a classroom, school, district or state plays in how teachers and students experience teaching and learning social studies.  The goal of this research is to help teachers understand how their classroom practices impact student learning and to make sense of what students learn and experience in classrooms."

Before coming to the University of Toledo, Dr. Fitzpatrick was a Teacher Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow at Wake Forest University, where she engaged in teaching and research of social studies education. Before working on her Ph.D. at the University of Virginia, she taught middle and high school social studies.


Social studies education, classroom teaching and learning, religion and education

Selected Publications:

Hemmler, V., Kibler, A., van Hover, S., Carlock, R. & Fitzpatrick, C. (2021). Using scaffolding to support CLD students’ critical multiple perspective-taking on history. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105.

Fitzpatrick, C., Hicks, D., Ogle, T., & Friedman, A. (2021). Using and interrogating extended reality within a C3 disciplined-inquiry. Social Education, 85(2).

Fitzpatrick, C. & Friedman, A. (2020). Teaching and learning about Islam in middle school social studies. Religion and Education, (47) 4, 44-62.

Fitzpatrick, C. & van Hover, S. (2020).  “Alternative forms of assessment in a middle school social studies classroom.”  In S. L. Stacki, M. M. Caskey, & S. B. Mertens (Eds.), Curriculum, instruction and assessment: Intersecting new needs and new approaches.

Fitzpatrick, C. (2019). “It’s More Than Just Religion:” Teaching History in a Catholic School. Journal of Catholic Education, 22(1).

Fitzpatrick, C., van Hover, S., Cornett, A., & Hicks, D. (2019). A DBQ in a multiple choice world: A tale of two assessments in a unit on Byzantium. Journal of Social Studies Research, 43(3), 199-214.


  • CI 4110 Developing Instruction for Middle Grades 4-5 Literacy and Social Studies
  • CI 6120 Social Studies Methods of Teaching
  • CI 6220 Social Studies Practicum


Last Updated: 11/26/24