Revathy Kumar, Ph.D.
Academic program:
Educational Psychology
Office: Gillham Hall 5000-G
Office Phone: 419-530-2481
Mailing address: Mail Stop 921
2801 West Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606-3390
- Ph.D., Education and Psychology, 1999 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Outstanding Faculty Research and Scholarship Award University of Toledo, 2021
- Fellow of the American Psychological Association - Elected Division 15, Educational Psychology, 2020
- Alice H. Skeens Outstanding Woman Award Recipient University of Toledo, 2018
- Provost Faculty Fellow Worked with the Office of Diversity to study the experiences of first-year college students and faculty attitudes and beliefs toward diversity, 2018-2021
- Diamond Outstanding Dissertation Award School of Education, University of Michigan, 2000
- Sims Award for Outstanding Dissertation - $5000 Interactive effect of home/neighborhood, schools, and workplace, School of Social Work, University of Michigan, 1999
- State award for First Rank (M.Ed.) - Rs 1,000 Directorate of Youth Services, Government of Karnataka, India, 1978
- A.C. Davegowda Gold Medal ((M.Ed.) Bangalore University, India, 1978
Revathy Kumar is a professor of educational psychology at the University of Toledo. She is a Fulbright Specialist Scholar, Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) commencing in January 2021, Provost Faculty Fellow for the academic years 2018-2020, and recipient of the 2021 University Outstanding Faculty Research and Scholarship Award. She was a past historian and secretary and current member of the diversity committee and faculty fellows committee for Division 15 of the American Psychological Association. She is a past associate editor for Developmental Psychology and is currently on the editorial boards of Educational Psychologist and Journal of Educational Psychology. She earned a Ph.D. in Education and Psychology from the Combined Program in Education and Psychology, University of Michigan, and was an adjunct assistant research scientist at the Institute for Social Research’s Survey Research Center, University of Michigan. Her research focuses on social and cultural processes involved in constructing a sense of self and identity among adolescents and young adults in culturally diverse societies. Of particular interest are the role of teachers, teacher-education programs, schools, communities, and families in facilitating minority and immigrant adolescents’ development, learning, and motivation. She was a recipient of the Spencer Foundation Major Grant and is Co-Principal Investigator on two grants funded by the National Science Foundation. She also received internal grants from the University of Toledo to conduct mindfulness intervention projects with elementary school students and preservice teachers. Her work is published in American Educational Research Journal, Educational Psychologist, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Journal of Teacher Education, Contemporary Educational Psychology, and Educational Studies.
National Science Foundation:
2016- Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (RIEF) Program for a project titled
“Factors Affecting Underrepresented Minority Student Success and Pathways to Engineering
careers at Majority and Minority Institutions.” (Co-Principal Investigator). Grant
awarded: $123,859
National Science Foundation:
2020-2025 Greater Equity, Access, and Readiness for Success in Engineering and Technology
(GEARSET): Pathway to and through Engineering.” (Co-Principal Investigator). $999,984
Kumar, R. (2019, 06, 21). Weaving cultural relevance and achievement motivation into inclusive classroom cultures.
Referred Publications
Kumar, R., Gray, D. L., Toren, N. K. (2021). Pre-service teachers’ desire to control bias: Implications for the endorsement of culturally affirming classroom practices. Learning and Instruction:
Archer, A1., Kumar, R. & Pilcher, E.1 (2021) Is the value worth the costs?: Examining the experiences of preservice teachers of color in predominantly White colleges of education, Theory into Practice,
Kumar, R, Karabenick, S. A., Warnke, J. W., Hany, S., & Seay, N. (2019). Culturally inclusive and responsive curricular learning environments (CIRCLEs): An exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach. Contemporary Education Psychology
Kumar, R., Zusho, A., & Bondie, R. (2018). Weaving cultural relevance and achievement motivation into inclusive classroom cultures. Educational Psychologist, 53 (2), 78-96. DOI:10.1080/00461520.2018.1432361
Kumar, R. & Laeurmann, F. (2018). Cultural beliefs and instructional intentions: Do
experience and tenure in teacher education matter? American Educational Research Journal, 55 (3), 419-452 DOI:
Kumar, R., Seay, N., & Karabenick, S. A. (2015). Immigrant Arab adolescents in ethnic enclaves: Physical and phenomenological contexts of identity negotiation. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Vol 21(2), 201-212. DOI:
Kumar, R., Karabenick, S. A., & Burgoon, J. (2015). Teachers’ implicit and explicit attitudes toward culturally diverse students and classroom instructional practices. Journal of Educational Psychology. 107 (2), 533-545. DOI:
Kumar, R., Warnke, J. H., & Karabenick, S. A. (2014): Arab-American male identity negotiations: caught in the crossroads of ethnicity, religion, nationality and current contexts. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 20, 22-41, DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2013.864464
Refereed Book Chapter Publications
Kumar, R., & Shukla, S. (2019). The Asian Indian Hindu immigrant adolescents’ experiences of home-school cultural dissonance and achievement motivations: Do parenting practices matter?" In G. F. Leim & S. H. Tan (Eds.) Asian education miracles: In search of sociocultural and psychological explanations (pp. XX). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Kumar, R., Karabenick, S. A., & Warnke, J. H. (2016). Role of culture and proximal minority/majority status in adolescent identity negotiations. In P. Schutz & J. DeCuir-Gunby (Eds.) Researching Race and Ethnicity in the Study of Learning and Motivation in Social and Cultural Contexts (pp.).New York, NY: Routledge.
Kumar, R. (2016). Motivation and Culture. In H. L. Miller (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology (pp.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Editorial Activities:
Editorial Board member: Journal of Educational Psychology, 2020-
- Editorial Board member: Educational Psychologist, 2020-
- Undergraduate courses
Educational Psychology
Adolescent Development - Graduate Seminars
Self and Identity
Motivation: Theory and Application
Cultural Perspectives in Learning and Development
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Educational Psychology (Div. 15), APA
- Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race,(Div. 45), APA
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Motivation Special Interest Group, AERA
- Society for Research on Adolescence
- Self and Identity
- International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology