Judith Herb College of Education

Dale T. Snauwaert, Ph.D.


Professor, Co-Coordinator of the Peace Studies Minor and Graduate Certificate in the Foundations of Peace Education

Academic program: 
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education, Peace Studies

Office: Gillham Hall 5400-K
Office Phone: 419-530-2478
Email: dale.snauwaert@utoledo.edu
Mailing address: Mail Stop 921
2801 West Bancroft St.
Toledo, OH 43606-3390


  • Ph.D.   Philosophy of Education 1990 --University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Ed.M.   Educational Policy Analysis 1988 --University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • B.A.     Philosophy 1983 -- University of Illinois at Chicago


  • Fulbright Specialist Award 2018—Institute of Bioethics, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Bogota’, Colombia.
  • American Educational Studies Association Critic's Choice Award, 1995 for Democracy, Education, and Governance: A Developmental Conception.  (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, Global Conflict and Peace Education Series, edited by Betty Reardon).
  • Excellence in Scholarship Faculty Award -- Judith Herb College of Education 2011
  • Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award -- Judith Herb College of Education 2012
  • Faculty Inductee into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi 2013


I am a philosopher of education with an interest in the interrelationship between moral and political philosophy and educational theory, with a particular interest in theories of justice, democratic theory, and the philosophical foundations of peace education and human rights.  I am the Founding Editor of In Factis Pax: Online Journal of Peace Education and Social Justice. I am published in such academic journals as the Journal of Peace Education, Educational Theory, Educational Studies, Peace Studies Journal, and Philosophical Studies in Education (see below).


My core research focus areas are democratic theory, theories of justice, the ethics of war and peace, critical theory, and the philosophy of peace education and human rights education.  


  • The philosophical foundations of peace education
  • The theory of post-conflict justice as enacted in the World Tribunal on Iraq
  • Information warfare, ideology, post-truth, and moral justification.


I work with the Jardin Tia Nora/Liceo Los Alpes colegio IB School, Cali, Colombia.


  • Snauwaert, Dale T. (editor), Exploring Betty A. Reardon’s Perspective on Peace Education - Looking Back, Looking Forward (Cham, Switzerland:  Springer Press, 2019).
  • Al-Daraweesh, Fuad and Snauwaert, Dale T., Human Rights Education beyond Universalism and Relativism: A Relational Hermeneutic for Global Justice (New York:  Palgrave McMillan, 2015).
  • Reardon, Betty A. and Snauwaert, Dale T. (editors), Betty A. Reardon: A pioneer in education for peace and human rights, SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice No. 26 (Cham – Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2015).
  • Reardon, Betty A. and Snauwaert, Dale T. (editors), Betty A. Reardon: Key texts in gender and peace, SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice No. 27 (Cham – Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London: Springer-Verlag, 2015).
  • Snauwaert, Dale T. “The First Question of Just Peace.”  Chapter 1 in Exploring Betty A. Reardon’s perspective on peace education - looking back, looking forward.
  • Snauwaert, Dale T. The dialogical turn in normative political theory and the pedagogy of human rights education, Education Sciences, 9(52), 2019.
  • Snauwaert, Dale T. “Power and a sustainable just peace:  A response to Reardon’s “on frameworks and purposes—patriarchy is the problem.”  Global Campaign for Peace Education (May 15, 2018) http://www.peace-ed-campaign.org/power-and-a-sustainable-just-peace/
  • Al-Daraweesh, Fuad and Snauwaert, Dale T., The hermeneutics of human rights education for deliberative democratic citizenship.  In:  Michalinos Zembylas and Andre Keet (eds.), Critical Human Rights, Citizenship, and Democracy Education: Entanglements and Regenerations (London:  Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2018), Chapter 2.
  • Al-Daraweesh, Fuad and Snauwaert, Dale T., Toward a culturally grounded theory of international human rights education, Educational Theory, 63, no. 4 (2013): 389-411.
  • Snauwaert, Dale T., Social justice and the philosophical foundations of critical peace education:  Exploring Nussbaum, Sen, and Freire, Journal of Peace Education, 8, no. 3(2011): 315-331. 


  • PJS 1000 Introduction to Peach and Justice Studies: From Paradigms of Violence to Paradigms for Peace
  • PJS 2000 Nonviolence and Conflict Transformation: Theory and Practice 
  • TSOC 5300/7300 Philosophy of Education
  • TSOC 5600/7600 Foundations of Peace Pedagogy
  • TSOC 6310/8310: Major Educational Theorists
  • TSOC 6320/8320: Education and the Democratic Ethic
  • TSOC 6330/8330: Ethics of War and Peace and Education
  • TSOC 6340/8340: Human Rights Education
  • TSOC 6350/8350: Environmental Ethics and Education
  • TSOC 6360/8360: Theories of Justice and Educational Policy
  • RESM/TSOC 8380 Methods of Normative Theory Construction
  • RESM/TSOC 8390 Methods of Conceptual Analysis and Textual Interpretation 


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Last Updated: 7/15/24