CAREER: Teaching Practices That Support Fraction-Based Algorithmic Thinking

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CAREER: Teaching Practices That Support Fraction-Based Algorithmic Thinking

Project Investigator: Debra Johanning

Funding Source: National Science Foundation (Active through August 2015)

Rational number has been identified as the most challenging and the most essential topic in elementary and middle school mathematics needed to succeed in higher mathematics and science. In the last 20 years, mathematics curriculum development has led to innovative research-based approaches to the development of rational number, including instruction where algorithms emerge as products of students’ own mathematical activity. This 5-year project will examine classroom practices associated with the work of teaching when fraction algorithms are products of students’ own mathematical activity.

The central research objective of this project is to develop a prototypical model of core teaching practices that engage and support students in algorithmic thinking when studying fraction operations. The educational product of this project will be professional development materials that can be used to support teachers in this domain. These materials will identify core routines of practice associated with algorithmic thinking for fraction operations and offer activities and tools to support their development in practice.

Last Updated: 7/15/24