Judith Herb College of Education

High-Dosage Math and Literacy Tutoring Programs

Tutoria de Matematicas Logo   Toledo Public Schools Logo 2022 Fostering Literate Youth Logo

Opportunities to become a math or literacy tutor and be paid to learn on the job and make a meaningful impact on young people’s lives! 

Starting summer 2022 there are more opportunities for UToledo students to gain valuable skills and contribute to the local community through mathematics and literacy tutoring! Over the next two years, with funding from the Ohio Department of Education Statewide Mathematics and Literacy Tutoring Grant, UToledo students can become paid tutors at Old Orchard Elementary School and EscuelaSMART Academy (in collaboration with TutorSmart). By the program’s conclusion, public school learners will have received 17,756 total tutoring hours from trained University of Toledo students. Taking advantage of each school community’s assets and funds of knowledge, Fostering Literate Youth (FLY) at Old Orchard and Tutoria de Matematicas (TM) at EscuelaSMART Academy have been designed with teachers and administrators to address specific needs each school has identified and that have only been exacerbated by the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

By maintaining low tutor-tutee ratios with a tutor working with at most 3 students, and allowing for flexibility to have a variety of small group sizes and one-on-one tutoring the program will be responsive to learners’ needs. The tutoring work is also “high-dosage,” meaning learners have continuity and meet frequently with their tutor as there is growing evidence that this approach yields greater increases in learners’ capacities than just drop-in or once-a-week tutoring models.  

Last Updated: 7/15/24