Engineering Co-ops and Careers

Cooperative Education Program Guide


Our industry partners agree that the process of applying, interviewing, and accepting a co-op offer is an important part of the experiential learning process and a necessary life skill.  These are the ways our students and Shah Center for Engineering Career Development staff work together to make co-op a successful learning experience:


  • Complete resume, co-op plan and mock interview assignments in professional development course
  • Communicate with co-op director every semester
  • Update resume every semester
  • Participate in Career EXPOs, send follow-up emails to recruiters, and prepare for interviews Apply for positions weekly and utilize the co-op search site resources that are available, e.g. GradLeaders, Handshake, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Google, and Engineering Jobs
  • Check emails daily and respond professionally within one day
  • Attend events, including networking opportunities, workshops, and alternative breaks, etc. as much as possible


  • Co-Teach the professional development courses
  • Assist with resume development and preparation
  • Conduct mock interviews with students
  • Provide networking opportunities with employers such as alternative breaks, company site visits, mixers, etc.
  • Plan and execute Career EXPOs each year using Career Fair Plus with hundreds of employers in attendance
  • Serve as a liaison (if necessary) between students and co-op employers
  • Provide job search resources that will help students see positions
  • Email students specific co-op opportunities as soon as available
  • Meet regularly to discuss application process, offer strategies and suggestions for maximizing the student's search, introduce students to key contacts, etc.
  • Build relationships with potential employers and help industry partners create co-op programs in their business


Last Updated: 7/15/24