Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Cyber Security and Trust

The research in CSAT involves study, development and/or testing of techniques, algorithms and systems that protect security and integrity of cyber systems (hardware or software), the information they store or process, and the users of these systems.

Research Areas

  • Developing and applying new approaches to practical encryption
  • Securing web-based computing services
  • Security simulation
  • Privacy technologies
  • Cyber physical system security
  • Malware & malicious activity detection for systems
  • Hardware oriented security and trust such as detection of trojans
  • Improved software engineering techniques
  • Secure data encoding
  • Communication protocols
  • Communication security
  • Secure machine learning
  • Human factors research
  • Penetration testing
  • Use of cutting edge technologies such as blockchain.

Research may also involve applications of mathematical and computing principles from other domains to the areas mentioned above including but not limited to machine learning, computational/artificial intelligence, mathematical and economic theories such as game theory, ruin theory, and prospect theory, simulation, analytical/mathematical modeling, and analysis, pattern analysis, and data fusion.


students specializing in csat take classes such as

Required core Courses

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Computer Security

Hardware Oriented Security and Trust

Recommended Courses

Wireless and Mobile Networks

Inside Cryptography

Network Security

Modern Communications I

Modern Communications II



Faculty Members

Dr. Ahmad Y. Javaid (CSAT Leader)

Dr. Ahmad Y. Javaid’s research is in the areas of cybersecurity of drone networks, smartphones, wireless sensor networks, and other cyber-physical systems. He is also conducting extensive research on cybersecurity education, human-machine teams and applications of AI and machine learning to areas including but not limited to attack detection and mitigation.

Dr. Lawrence Thomas

Dr. Lawrence Thomas’s research is in the area of software engineering, empirical algorithmic analysis, code optimization, and computer security.

Dr. Mohammed Niamat

Dr. Mohammed Niamat’s research is in the area of hardware-oriented security and trust; reconfigurable processors including field programmable gate arrays; reliable computing including testing of digital, reconfigurable, system on chip (SOC) and VLSI circuits; Built In Self-Test (BIST); fault modeling; and applications of blockchain technology and machine learning in various areas including hardware security and supply chain.

Last Updated: 7/15/24