Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Advanced Computing Systems

Advanced Computing Systems (ACS) group focusses on research in the areas of high performance computing, innovative computer architecture, cybersecurity, cyber physical systems, machine learning/artificial intelligence, cloud computing, information systems and services, system software for parallel computing, scalable system architecture, reliable computing, field programmable gate arrays, VLSI Design, fault tolerance and reliability, and tools and methods for evaluating emerging computing architectures including novel computing technologies beyond Moore’s Law.

Further research in the ACS group encompasses computing from both the programming language and the computer architecture viewpoints; computational complexity; quantum computing; design of both software and hardware; distributed systems; databases; performance modeling of computer and communication networks; adaptive scheduling, resource reservation and routing protocols; fast algorithms; cellular and high-performance computing; theoretical foundations and advanced analysis for real-time, hybrid and embedded systems.

Research may also involve applications of mathematical and computing principles from other domains to the areas mentioned above including but not limited to machine learning, computational/artificial intelligence, mathematical and economic theories such as game theory, ruin theory, and prospect theory, simulation, analytical/mathematical modeling, and analysis, pattern analysis, and data fusion.


Students specializing in ACS take classes such as

Required core Courses  

Biologically-Inspired Computing

Field Programmable Gate Arrays

Hardware Oriented Security and Trust 7


REcommended COURSES

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Machine Learning

Computer Security

Digital and VLSI System Testing



Faculty Members

Dr. Mohammed Niamat (Acs Leader)

Dr. Mohammed Niamat’s research is in the area of hardware-oriented security and trust; reconfigurable processors including field programmable gate arrays; reliable computing including testing of digital, reconfigurable, system on chip and VLSI circuits; built in self-test (BIST); fault modeling; and applications of blockchain technology and machine learning in various areas including hardware security and supply chains.

Dr. Devinder Kaur

Dr. Devinder Kaur’s research is in the areas of computer architecture, parallel and distributed processing, intelligent systems based on fuzzy logic, neural networks and bioinspired algorithms.

Dr. Ahmad Javaid

Dr. Ahmad Javaid’s research is in the areas of cybersecurity of drone networks, smartphones, wireless sensor networks, and other cyber-physical systems. He is also conducting extensive research on human-machine teams and applications of AI and machine learning to areas including but not limited to attack detection and mitigation.

Last Updated: 7/15/24