Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Sponsor a Senior Design Project

Become a sponsor – How it works

  • Sponsors send a tax-deductible donation of $5000 to the UT Foundation to support the senior design program
  • Sponsors propose projects as topics for senior design groups and provide an in-house client advisor who will work with the groups to provide guidance.

Submit a Project Proposal Now

Energy Harvesting Bike Fall 2017 Senior Design Expo

What Makes a good project?

  • Suitable for entry-level engineers
  • Realistic outcomes
  • Allows for creativity and problem solving
  • Does not require excessive proprietary or trade secret material


The senior design course projects run during the 15-week spring and fall semesters.

  • Week 0 - Project proposals should be submitted prior to the beginning of each semester in August and January, and project sponsors should review and sign the Senior Design Project agreement prior to the start of the semester 
  • Week 1 - During the first week of the semester, the client advisor or the faculty advisor will present the project description to the senior design students to select
  • Week 2-14 - Client Advisors will provide feedback to students on the project throughout the semester
  • Week 15 - Student groups present their project at the Design Expo and sponsors and client advisors are invited to attend


Do you work with non-profit organizations?

The UToledo MIME department has a long history of completing senior design projects working with nonprofit organizations through the help of grants and other external funding. Contact Steve Huebner to discuss possibilities.

What if I have a larger project

Projects that cannot reasonably be completed within one 15-week semester may be broken up into multiple stages with deliverables that separate teams may work on.

What about Intellectual Property?

All intellectual property will be assigned according to the source of conception of and/or reduction to practice.

Last Updated: 7/15/24