Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. Theo Keith Distinguished Lecture Series in MIME

About the Distinguished Lecture Series

Celebrating over 50 years of Professor Theo Keith's pioneering service in research, entrepreneurship, and instruction, the Theo Keith Distinguished Lecture Series builds on his legacy of excellence.  With an eye to continued advancement, we invite scholars at the forefront of their fields to showcase the ideas that are fueling tomorrows. 

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In recognition of 50+ years of service by Professor Theo Keith

Professor Theo Keith started at the University of Toledo in 1971 as an assistant professor in the then Mechanical engineering department. Since then his illustrious and extensively awarded career has included:

  • Serving as Department Chair
  • Appointment to Distinguished University Professor - the second faculty member to receive the appointment at UToledo
  • Obtaining over $75 million in research funding
  • Establishing and maintaining a close research relationship between NASA Glenn Research Center and UToledo
  • Over 300 publications
  • Teaching over 40 different undergraduate and graduate courses
  • advising nearly 90 graduate students

Past Lectures

Mehdi Ahmadian, PhD - Intelligent Transportation: From Model T to Autonomous Vehicles

Mehdi Ahmadian in front of slide on Mustang

Dr. Mehdi Ahmadian is the J. Bernard Jones Chair of Mechanical Engineering and founding Director of Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety (CVeSS), Railway Technologies Laboratory (RTL), Advanced Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory (AVDL), and the Virginia Institute for Performance Engineering and Research (VIPER). Dr. Ahmadian is an internationally known expert in vehicle system dynamics and safety. For the past 38 years, he has been a pioneering researcher in advanced technologies for improving road and rail transportation safety, efficiency, and comfort.

Ryan Sochol - Games Without Frontiers

Ryan Sochol with Ted Keith accepting award

Prof. Ryan D. Sochol is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering within the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. 

Prof.  Sochol discussed how his Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) Laboratory is leveraging the capabilities of two types of 3D printing technologies to address barriers of soft robotics fluidic controls  

In addition, find all fluidic circuit components, body features, everything that you saw from his paper and the recording on GitHub.



Last Updated: 7/15/24