Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. Ray Hixon

Ray HixonProfessor

Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Department

Nitschke Hall 4046
Phone: (419) 530-8207
FAX: (419) 530-8206





Dr. Ray Hixon obtained his Ph. D. in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1993.  Since that time, Dr. Hixon has been focused on the development and application of high accuracy Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) methods, with an emphasis on the prediction of jet aircraft engine noise.  This work has been continuously supported by the NASA Glenn Research Center.

Research Interests

  • Computational Aeroacoustics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Large-Eddy Simulations
  • Turbulence
  • Fluid-Structures Interaction
  • Trustworthy Computing


Google Scholar Profile


  • MIME 3430 Fluid Mechanics
  • MIME 4550 Aerodynamics
  • MIME 6410 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
  • MIME 6440 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
  • MIME 6540 Computational Fluid Dynamics II
  • MIME 6550 Turbulent Flow
  • MIME 6920 Special Topics: Fortran Programming
  • MIME 6980 Advanced Heat Transfer
  • MIME 6980 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Last Updated: 7/15/24