Your Financial Aid How-To Guide
Figuring out how to keep paying your college bills can be overwhelming. But that’s
why we’re here — to help take away some of the anxiety.
REMEMBER: You have to re-apply for financial aid and re-submit the FAFSA each academic
Check out these clear, simple steps for applying for financial aid, maintaining the
aid you’ve received and navigating the process. And remember, we’re just a phone call
or email away if you have questions.
If you’re an international student, visit our pages just for you.
File the FAFSA
If you want aid, you have to file the FAFSA. It wil get easier since information from
previous years will automatically populate the application.
Apply for Scholarships
Some of your scholarships may renew automatically. But if you need more aid, it's
always worth applying for more scholarships. Plenty are available for continuing students.
Accept Aid
Refresh your memory on how to find your financial aid offer, how to accept it and
how funds are paid out to you.
Maintain Aid
Learn more about the requirements for maintaining your financial aid. Find out what
to do if you have a tough semester academically or if your financial circumstances
Your Summer To-Do List
Review our checklist to make sure you've done everything you need to do regarding
your financial aid before the next semester starts.