International Student

This part of the process isn’t hard. The most important thing to remember:

Keep an eye on your Rocket email and myUT for communication from the Financial Aid office. We’ll let you know whether you receive any scholarships and each step to complete so that we can deliver your funds promptly.


How will I know I received a scholarship?

We will send you a letter by mail to notify you of any scholarships you have been awarded. The scholarships also will be posted in myUT.
Go to myUT → Student tab → My Financial Aid → My Financial Aid Dashboard → Award Offer

How do I receive my scholarships?

Your scholarships are paid ― or disbursed — to your student account at the beginning of each semester. Those funds are automatically applied to your bill and used to pay your tuition and other charges to your account.

TIP: It’s always good form to send a thank you note to a scholarship donor. We’ll email you if you received a donor scholarship and remind you to fill out an online Thank You Form. You submit the form. We make sure your thank you note gets to the donor.


Review the terms and conditions for all the scholarships you receive. 

Every scholarship comes with requirements — called terms and conditions — that you need to fulfill to keep the scholarship. This is called “maintaining eligibility.”

Terms and conditions vary from scholarship to scholarship. Be sure to go over the eligibility guidelines for each scholarship you receive.
Go to myUT → Student tab → My Financial Aid → My Financial Aid Dashboard

If you don’t fulfill your responsibilities as listed in the terms and conditions, you may lose all or a portion of your scholarships. Most scholarships have an appeal process if that happens.

Two of the most important eligibility requirements are:

Enrollment requirements

Your scholarships are generally based on full-time enrollment. Your scholarships may be reduced if you:

  • Drop classes
  • Withdraw from classes
  • Don’t actively begin attending or participate in all of your registered classes

Bottom line: Before you take any action that affects enrollment, know how it will affect your eligibility for scholarships.

Academic requirements

Many scholarships require you to meet minimum academic standards. We call this “satisfactory academic progress” or SAP. 

To see your academic progress status:
Go to myUT → Student Tab → My Financial Aid → My Financial Aid Dashboard


Sometimes financial circumstances change mid-year. You may lose a job or have an unexpected emergency. Or we could be in the middle of a pandemic that upends everything!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Apply for emergency funds. All you need to do is fill out a Rocket Aid application. The UToledo team will work with you to identify options to assist you. This includes funding available through federal relief programs and donors.

  • Rocket Aid is an emergency financial assistance fund available to those experiencing financial hardship.


A federal law — the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA— prohibits us from releasing sensitive information about you to a third party without written consent. That includes financial information.

If you want to authorize us to speak with a parent or someone else about your financial aid, go to myUT:
Go to myUT → Student Tab → My Accounts → FERPA Consent

Learn more about FERPA

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Have Questions?

Ask Rocket Solution Central.

Rocket Solution Central — or RSC — is your one-stop answer shop for financial aid questions.

Call 419.530.8700
Monday - Wednesday and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Visit 1200 Rocket Hall
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

No need to wait in line. Register through Rocket Q ahead of time or when you arrive. You'll receive wait-time updates and be notified when it's your turn.

Register by texting "University of Toledo" to 419.419.3430 or by entering your information online.

Financial Wellness

We could all use some help managing our money ― whether you’re a high school student, undergraduate or upperclassman ready to graduate.

UToledo's financial wellness team offers workshops, presentations and tools to help you improve your money management skills. You can even schedule an appointment with our counselor to discuss your personal financial plan.

  • How to pay for college
  • Managing student loans
  • Making a budget
  • And more
Financial Wellness Services
Last Updated: 7/15/24