Office of Competitive Fellowships

Fulbright Scholar Program

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For more than 65 years, American academics, administrators and professionals have taught and conducted research abroad through the Fulbright Scholar Program. Scholars have benefited from an enhanced appreciation of the global impact of their academic specializations, a reinvigorated classroom presence and a desire to become major participants in their home campuses’ internationalization. Fulbright helps faculty and administrators build a “multiplier effect” by infusing cross-cultural perspectives into curricula, revitalizing teaching methods and opening doors for international colleagues and students. 

Grant Types and Special Programs Include:

The Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program provides approximately 800 teaching and/or research grants to U.S. faculty and experienced professionals in a wide variety of academic and professional fields.  

The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) promotes linkages between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas.  The program awards grants to U.S. faculty and professionals approved to join the Specialist Roster in select disciplines to engage in short-term collaborative projects at eligible institutions in over 140 countries worldwide. Shorter grant lengths give Specialists greater flexibility to pursue projects that work best with their current academic or professional commitments.

The Fulbright Regional Network for Applied Research (NEXUS) Program will bring together a network of junior scholars, professionals and mid-career applied researchers from the United States, Brazil and other Western Hemisphere nations for a series of three seminar meetings and a Fulbright exchange experience.

Fulbright Flex Awards- In order to meet the changing needs of academia and develop new options to better accommodate the interests and commitments of today’s scholars, we have introduced several innovations to the Fulbright U.S. Core Program, including: Fulbright Flex Awards, Fulbright Postdoctoral/Early Career Awards, Salary Stipend Supplements, and Teaching English as a Foreign Language Awards.

The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (S-I-R) Program assists U.S. higher education institutions in expanding programs of academic exchange. By supporting non-U.S. scholars through grants for teaching at institutions that might not have a strong international component, both the U.S. institution and the scholar grantee benefit.

Grant Durations

  • Fulbright Core Programs – 2‐12 months
  • Fulbright Distinguished Chairs – 3‐12 months
  • Fulbright Specialist Grants – 2‐6 weeks
  • Fulbright International Education Administrator Programs ‐ IEA (6) – 2‐3 weeks
  • Fulbright NEXUS Program – 1 year
  • Community College Administrators Seminar in Russia – 2‐3 weeks

Grant Includes

  • Package includes stipend, in-country living allowance, travel for grantee
  • Some countries add travel for dependents, dependent schooling, research allowance, book allowance
  • Stipends and living allowances vary considerably from country to country
  • New, enhanced grant structure for some countries
  • Country benefits are found with the award descriptions at 

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for this program through The University of Toledo, applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • A Ph.D. or professional/terminal degree
  • Professionals and artists outside academia -recognized professional standing and substantial accomplishments
  • Teaching experience as required by award
  • As a general matter, preference for Fulbright Scholar opportunities will be given to candidates who have not previously received a Fulbright Scholar grant

Getting Started

View a list of the types of grants available and a brief description.

We also recommend visiting the sections on:

  • Resources for Applicants
  • Online Catalog of Awards and application
  • Program overview
  • Guidelines
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Tips for Applying
  • CIES Webinars 
  • Fulbright Scholar Blog
Last Updated: 7/15/24