Plastination Laboratory

Articles and Publications

Over the past 30 years several  researchers and educators have experimented with the technique of plastination. A Cumulative Index of publications on plastination was compile and created by Gille Grondin of  Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Canada. Click the link to access the The Cumulative Index of Publications on Plastination.

Other Plastinattion articles: 

Baptista, C.A.C., Cerqueira, E.P., & Conran, P.B.  (1988) Impregnation of biological specimens with resins and elastomers:  Plastination with Biodur S10 resin.  Rev Bras Cienc Morfol 5(1):60-62.

Baptista, C.A.C. & Conran, P.B.  (1989) Plastination of the heart:  Preparation for the study of the cardiac valves.  J Intl Soc Plastination 3(1):3-7.

Baptista, C.A.C., Skie, M., Yeasting, R.A., Ebrahein, N., & Jackson, W.T.  (1989) Plastination of the wrist:  Potential uses in education and clinical medicine.  J Intl Soc Plastination 3(1):18-21.

Baptista, C.A.C., Bellm, P., & Pledge, M.  (1992)  The use of explosion proof freezers in plastination:  Are they really necessary?  J Intl Soc Plastination 6(1):34-37.

Skalkos, E., Williams, G. and Baptista, C.A.C.  (1999)  The E-12 Technique as an accessory tool for the  study of myocardial fiber structure analysis in MRI.  J Intl Soc Plastination  14(1):18-21.

Permanent Exhibit:

 “Imaging: The Tools of Science”, a permanent exhibit of plastinated cross-sections of a  human head and correspondent magnetic resonance images, housed in the Chicago  Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Illinois. The exhibit sponsored  by Howard Hughes Medical Institute won a coveted award in 1993 from the American  Association of Museums. 

“Brain the Inside Story” housed by the American Museum of Natural History, New York City the exhibition illustrates how our remarkable brains work and what makes them so special, while featuring what is currently one of the hottest and most promising fields in science today—neuroscience. Among the display are two human brains plastinated using silicone on loan from the University of Toledo. (


Last Updated: 10/8/24