Department of Physics and Astronomy

Aman Kapoor Abstract

 Low-cost microscopy is essential for imaging viruses, bacteria, and fungi in developing countries and in contexts when large-scale, low-cost testing is needed. One of the techniques used to create low-cost images is lensless microscopy, where a sample is placed directly on a sensor and reconstructed computationally with the optical transfer function (OTF) of free space. Such lensless microscopes cost no more than a few hundred dollars, whereas conventional instruments may be as much as $100,000. We sought to make an improvement on the existing lensless microscope by increasing its capability to image multiple samples simultaneously. We have designed a novel setup with a Raspberry Pi 3B+, four Raspberry Pi Camera Modules, an Arducam Multicamera V2.2 Adapter, four monochromatic LEDs, and a 3D printed baseboard and sample cover. Our current setup is being troubleshooted, as the multicamera adapter is assumed to be defective by the manufacturer. We are in the process of receiving replacement hardware and are optimistic that this will produce a functioning multicamera, lensless microscope.

Last Updated: 6/27/22