Veterans Glass City Skyway Solar Array Field Demonstration
Source Organization: Ohio Department of Transportation |
Contract/Grant Number: 426835 |
Start date: 2010/3/7; End date: 2012/3/7 |
Principal Investigators: |
Abstract: |
There are significant amounts of land in the state of Ohio under the control of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), even in urban areas where open space is scarce and energy needs are greatest. Solar energy generation usually requires significant amounts of land and is best suited to areas where energy doesn't have to travel far to access the grid, which is most common in urban areas. Thus, using highway right-of-way in an urban area to investigate the generation of solar energy by ODOT is the next step in moving the solar green initiative forward. The study "Veteran's Glass City Skyway Solar Array Performance Evaluation" will determine the viability of a solar array erected in the I-280 right-of-way near the VGCS in Toledo, Ohio. The electricity generated will be equivalent to the amount needed to light the pylon of the bridge plus additional roadway lighting. Specific tasks included the following:
The deliverables of the project are:
Funding: | |
$1,546,337 |