The University of Toledo University Transportation Center

UTUTC-IU-3: Incorporating Intermodal Transportation into the Spatially Integrated Social Sciences

Focus Area: Infrastructure Utilization


Principal Investigator:

Peter S. Lindquist
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Geography and Planning
The University of Toledo

Co-Principal Investigators:

Hiroyuki Iseki 
Assistant Professor

Department of Geography and Planning
The University of Toledo

Project Dates: 05/03/2007 – 06/30/2008 --no cost exstension 06/30/2009

Project Year: Year 1

UT-UTC Designation: UTUTC-IU-3



The purpose of this proposal is to request development funds to expand the role of intermodal transportation in the newly proposed Spatially Integrated Social Science Ph.D. Program to be administered jointly between the Departments of Geography and Planning, Economics, Political Science and Public Administration, and Sociology and Anthropology at The University of Toledo. The particular transportation-related areas of interest that the SISS program that complement the UT UTC will be in the areas of Transportation for National Security, Transportation and Regional Economic Development, Infrastructure Utilization, and the spatial dimensions of Supply Chains. Each of these topics readily lend themselves to the faculty expertise, the available geospatial technology, and the regional economic needs of northwest Ohio. Furthermore, the SISS faculty will focus on the movement of people among all modes of the transportation system and in the conflicts that arise between the movement of freight and the movement of passengers. Specific areas of transportation research and teaching will include: 1) Transportation and urban form; 2) Transportation, Public Administration and Policy; 3) Transportation Analysis and Quantitative Methods; 4) Intermodal Transportation—Passenger and Freight; 5) Infrastructure Utilization and Planning; and 6) Transportation and the Environment. It is anticipated that transportation and all of its spatial dimensions will play a pivotal role in this program and will attract students with an interest in combining an analytical approach to studying transportation, but from a perspective that appreciates the contribution of diverse social science disciplines to understanding this important spatial process.


UT-UTC Grant
Match Amount
Total Project

$ 8,706
$ 8,706 

Final Report: 

Click here for PDF of final report

New doctoral program to graduate first three students December 20, 2014

Last Updated: 6/27/22