Toledo Excel

TOLEDO EXCEL Academic Year Programming

Summer classroom

It was determined early in the planning process that a truly innovative curriculum would be an integral part of the EXCEL program. It was concluded that students would not be challenged if content too closely resembled the “regular” school curriculum. The following themes have been developed over the years: The Aging Process, Ethnic America, Global Cities, The Civil Rights and Human Rights Movement, Global Diversity. In terms of academic skills and development, writing is a major emphasis, although the curriculum changes as needed.

The first-year curriculum, "Basics Plus," a two-week writing and STEM intensive Institute on the campus of The University of Toledo, guides development of critical composition and  math and science competencies during the students’ first Summer Institute. In addition to improving other communication skills (reading, listening, speaking and summarizing), classes introduce students to an early exploration of engineering related topics and careers. 

The second-year curriculum, "Careers/Leadership," enhances student problem-solving, analytical, and interpersonal skills. In the Leadership component, students learn effective communication and leadership development through discussion and interaction with community and University of Toledo leaders.   The Careers portion is designed to assist students through early career exploration by utilizing personal assessments, interactive activities, presentations and tours of various local businesses and companies. 

The third-year curriculum, “On Civil Rights: Struggles and Progress,” is designed to improve students' critical thinking and research skills as they learn important lessons of their history. The curriculum involves classes and ethnographic field studies on Civil Rights, investigating movements related to African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American or Native American Experiences. Students visit important historical sites, interview living history makers, create visual and print documents to be presented to the community, and learn the dramatic stories of Civil Rights activists and their contributions and struggles to change this country.

The fourth-year curriculum on "Global Diversity" allows students to concentrate on “Human Rights in the Global Community” as they explore struggles for human dignity in a world of expanding technology and shrinking natural resources. Students gain insight into the effects of history, geography, and politics on the human rights of individuals. The cultural and academic enrichment gained enables students to better understand how their career aspirations might connect with international opportunities. After field studies in Mexico, the PEACE Project was implemented, linking TOLEDO EXCEL students with students in Western and Southern Africa. 

Heealth Careers pic

TOLEDO EXCEL offers students a wide range of assistance including consistent academic support. EXCEL students who receive lower than a “B” in a high school course are offered tutoring to assist them in their studies; those who receive below a “C” are required to come for tutoring. During the school year, EXCEL students attend academic sessions including Saturday School, which focus on skills to prepare them for college, i.e., problem solving, critical thinking, critical analysis, creative writing, etc. Saturday School is designed to offer supplemental academic instruction in Math, English, Science and Computers to increase each student’s skill, ability, comprehension, and confidence levels in these academic areas. EXCEL freshman and sophomores are required to participate in at least two (2) different supplemental instruction courses during the academic year. EXCEL junior and senior students are encouraged to register for these courses if they are having difficulty or would like to have additional instruction. 

In addition to the intensive academic year programming, each EXCEL student also performs a minimum of 25 hours of voluntary community service each year, providing assistance to various organizations and agencies. Tutoring and assisting individuals preparing for the GED, tutoring in elementary schools, working with the American Red Cross, Boys and Girls Clubs, assisting at nursing homes, day care centers and homeless shelters are among the types of service TOLEDO EXCEL volunteers have provided.

community service pic

Last Updated: 7/15/24