Research and Sponsored Programs

Administration and Use Records

Administration image

Listed below are the requirements for administration and use records for controlled substances and dangerous drugs in research.

A. Registrants must maintain administration/use records for all controlled substances and dangerous drugs (non-controlled prescription drugs)

B. Either The University of Toledo Usage Logs (for directly used substances) or The University of Toledo Dilution and Usage Log (for diluted used substances) should be used.

C. In finished form, the Usage Log must include:

    1. Name of Registrant

    2. DEA Number and Ohio TDDD number of registrant (for controlled substances)

    3. Unique Bottle Number of Substance and Date Received

    4. Name of Drug

    5. Starting Concentration and Total Volume

    6. Date Dispensing

    7. IACUC Protocol Dispensing To

    8. Initials of Person Dispensing

    9. Amount Administered

    10. Amount Wasted - Waste is the unused portion of a controlled substance removed from inventory remaining after administration (i.e., amount remaining in syringe).

    11. Balance Remaining




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Last Updated: 6/6/23