Graduate Programs


The University of Toledo's Sociology master's degree program is committed to educating future social scientists who understand how culture and social forces guide human behavior and shape society.   

Our graduate students are trained to collect, analyze and interpret data at multiple levels using a variety of methods. They graduate with well-developed critical thinking skills that allow them to solve problems and be effective organizational and community leaders.  

The Sociology master's program is focused primarily on urban social issues that affect the communities we live in. Students in our Applied Sociological Research Certificate program learn how to apply research methods to understand and address social problems. 

  • Community work and active research are hallmarks of our graduate program. UToledo master's students explore diverse issues, including: 
  • Community organizing and development 
  • Racial and gender discrimination 
  • Disabilities 
  • Social psychology 
  • Medical sociology 
  • Education 
  • Social class inequality 
  • Urbanization and urbanism 

Top Reasons to Study sociology at UToledo

  1. Multiple academic options.

    Choose what works for you. 

    • Courses + project 
    • Courses + thesis 
    • Courses + internship 
  2. 4+1 B.A. to M.A. in Sociology program.
    UToledo offers a faster path to a graduate degree for UToledo Sociology undergraduate students. Accepted students in the 4+1 program can complete up to three graduate level classes (9 hours) during their final academic year of undergraduate studies. 
  3. Experiential education.
    Because UToledo is an urban institution at the crossroads of the Midwest, we create opportunities for students to contribute to the city of Toledo and its surrounding communities. Master’s students take part in internships and collaborate with local nonprofits. We recognize that we are part of a global society and encourage students to take advantage of international experiences that increase their competencies as global citizens.  
  4. Teaching and research assistantships.
    Help pay your way with these competitive positions in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Gain experience teaching undergraduate courses and engaging in research. Receive funding to present research at conferences. 
  5. Cutting-edge tools.

    Sociology graduate students are trained to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data. UToledo has: 

    • Statistics and methods labs 
    • Local and international field schools in community research 

UToledo's Sociology faculty are internationally renowned, active researchers. They make a difference in our community by volunteering with local nonprofit organizations, engaging the community through public lectures and events, and conducting research that benefits the community. 

Sociology graduate students are encouraged to collaborate with faculty in their research and to pursue their own. Our graduates have published, presented at regional and national conferences and won awards for their research.  

UToledo Sociology faculty have expertise in many areas, including:  

  • Community-based participatory research 
  • Gender and racial inequality 
  • Global economic inequalities 
  • Disability issues 
  • Labor and workplace  
  • Law and society 
  • Urban and community studies 
  • Applied sociology 


What jobs can I get with a sociology degree?

Sociology master's students at UToledo gain the skills that employers value. They learn how to:  

  • Evaluate research 
  • Use qualitative and quantitative analytic software 
  • Identify ethical issues 
  • Communicate and write effectively 
  • Think critically, research and solve problems 
  • Engage diverse communities 

Typical jobs for those who graduate with a master's degree in Sociology include: 

  • Community/nonprofit work 
  • Government administration 
  • Teaching 
  • Academic advising 
  • Law enforcement work 
  • Collecting and analyzing public data for organizations such as the U.S. Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

Our master's graduates also have gone on to doctoral programs at: 

  • Bowling Green State University
  • Case Western Reserve University
  • Kent State University 
  • Ohio State University 
  • Rutgers University 
  • The University of Toledo 
  • University of Colorado 
  • University of Pittsburgh 
  • Utah State University 
  • Wayne State University 

Those who go on to Ph.D. programs in Sociology typically become professors, but also may work in marketing and political research.  

Internship Opportunities For Sociology Master's Degree

UToledo graduate students who pursue the internship plus courses option for their master's degrees land internships in a variety of research- and policy-related areas, including: 

  • Community organizing 
  • Health and gerontology 
  • Human resources 
  • Housing 
  • Immigration 
  • Criminal diversion programs 
  • Substance abuse programs 

Our graduate students have interned at: 

  • The Fair Housing Center, Toledo 
  • Center of Science and Industry, Columbus  
  • Farm Labor Organizing Committee, Toledo 
  • UT Athletic Department  
  • Toledo Youth Commission 






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Last Updated: 7/15/24