Catharine S. Eberly Center for Women

Eberly Center Mission

The Catharine S. Eberly Center promotes and advances gender equity at the University of Toledo, working to break down gender barriers to ensure all Rockets can experience meaningful participation. We are dedicated to developing gender equity leaders and promoting educational access to all people facing gender based oppression.

Our Values



The history of The University of Toledo Center for Women began in 1977 with the creation of the Women's Advisory Committee, which had concerns about the status and treatment of women at UToledo and within the greater Toledo community. These concerns first resulted in the creation of an intra-university committee. After some debate, this "joint committee" made a proposal to expand the current services that the university offered women using a small amount of University funds matched by local sources. After being housed temporarily in University Hall, the Center for Women officially opened in Scott House in March of 1978.

In its first few years of operation, the center's services were geared mostly toward the Toledo community. Services such as counseling and refresher courses were available to all and focused on helping women return to school after time spent with family or in the workforce. Workshops and seminars such as the Brown Bag Lunch program focused on academics, career and personal planning. At this time, the center also offered refresher courses in many subjects, such as math, English, and science. With the advent of the Displaced Homemaker Program, the center became a vital resource for women rejoining the work force.

In 1980, the center was renamed the Catharine S. Eberly Center in honor of one of its first Advisory Board members. Catharine Eberly was a staunch supporter of the center and had served as the Chairwoman of its Advisory Committee until her death in an automobile accident in November of 1979.

In 1984, the center's Advisory Board recommended that the center expand services and programs by making all programs and classes accessible to UToledo students, incorporating a variety of program topics, and offering scholarships to UToledo students.

Today, the Eberly Center continues to provide high-impact and innovative programs and initiatives that advance women and gender minorities at The University of Toledo and surrounding Toledo Area.

Please email us at or call 419.530.8570 today to learn more!

Visit the Canaday Center located on the 5th Floor of Carlson Library to learn more about our history.
The ECW Archive collection contains 17 linear feet of records dating from 1974 to 2012.  The collection is available to scholars and researchers.  Records include minutes of advisory board meetings, memoranda, annual reports, newsletters, publicity materials, grant applications and awards, and program evaluations.

Last Updated: 7/15/24