UToledo Online

Quality Matters Certified Courses

Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-driven peer-review process used to ensure the quality of online and blended course design. See below for a list of the QM-certified courses at UToledo. Thank you to our instructors for their dedication to designing high-quality online courses!

Are you interested in QM certification for your course but aren’t sure where to start? Explore the Faculty Resource Center* for a wealth of resources including checklists, templates, and more. To see an example of a QM-certified course design in action, check out the Sample QM Certified Ultra Course*. For additional support, please contact your instructional designer.

*The Faculty Resource Center and Sample QM Certified Ultra Course are accessed through Blackboard and require UTAD login.

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Course Title Instructor Instructional
NURS 4110 (Recertification) Applied Health Assessment Across the Lifespan (12/12/2024) Colleen Quinlan Sylvia Suh
AL 4950 Senior Capstone (11/21/2024) Matt Reising Amber Sherick
GNEN 5500 (Recertification) Applications of Engineering Analysis (10/30/2024) Carmen Cioc Sylvia Suh
HIM 2320 (Recertification) Ambulatory Clinical Classification Systems & Services (10/10/2024) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
HIM 4910 (Recertification) Integrative Capstone Experience (9/15/2024) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
MET 4200 (Recertification) Mechanical Design II (8/25/2024) Carmen Cioc Sylvia Suh
BUAD 3030 Managerial and Behavioral Processes in Organizations (7/19/2024) Jackie Flom Rachel Barnes
CI 6890 (Recertification) Theory and Research in Learning and Teaching (4/6/2024) Rebecca Schneider Mingli Xiao

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Quality Matters


Course Title Instructor Instructional

OSCM 3610

Operations Planning and Scheduling

Yue Zhang Rachel Barnes & Lei Song

GNEN 6700

Management of Projects and Technological Innovation (11/29/2023)

Frank Wszelaki Sylvia Suh

HIM 2310 (Recertification)

Acute Care Clinical Classification Systems & Services (11/5/2023)

Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes

NURS 4610 (Recertification)

Translating Evidence for Nursing Practice (9/22/2023)

Kelly Lewandowski Sylvia Suh

HURM 6700 (Recertification)

Human Resource Management (8/16/2023)

Jenell Wittmer Rachel Barnes

ARTH 3080 (Recertification)

The Power of Visual Persuasion (8/12/2023)

Thor Mednick Michael Douglas

BUAD 3040 (Recertification)

Principles of Financial Management (6/30/2023)

Shawn Tysiak Rachel Barnes

HIM 4210 (Recertification)

Healthcare Statistics, Registries, and Research (6/2/2023)

Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes

CSET 3250 (Recertification)

Client-Side Scripting (5/22/2023)

Hong Wang Sylvia Suh

CSET 3100 (Recertification)

Advanced Web Site Design (4/27/2023)

Hong Wang Sylvia Suh
NURS 4370 (Recertification)

Health Promotion and Wellness Across the Lifespan (4/14/2023)

Kelly Lewandowski Sylvia Suh
NURS 4100 (Recertification)

Transition to BSN Practice (4/4/2023)

Carol Bryan Sylvia Suh
SPED 5270/7270 (Recertification)

Team Models and Community Networking (3/31/2023)

Dixie Newell Mingli Xiao
HIM 4300 (Recertification)

Performance Improvement and Quality Outcomes in Healthcare (3/20/2023)

Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
CHEM 1090 (Recertification)

Elementary Chemistry (3/15/2023)

Elizabeth Zhurova Michelle Walker
HED 6770

Evaluation and Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education (3/9/2023)

Snejana Slantcheva-Durst Mingli Xiao
HIM 4230 (Recertification) Compliance and Ethical Issues in Healthcare (3/1/2023) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
BUAD 2040 (Recertification) Financial Accounting Information (2/23/2023) Nancy Snow Rachel Barnes
DST 6600 Disability Ethics and Policy (2/17/2023) Allyson Day Lei Song
HIM 2350 (Recertification) Reimbursement Methodologies (2/3/2023) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
HIM 4500
Health Informatics and Information Management (1/26/2023) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes

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Courses QM Certified in 2022


Course Title Instructor Instructional
CI 6900
Master's Research in Curriculum Instruction (12/4/2022) Rebecca Schneider Mingli Xiao
DST 6400 Disability History and Rights (10/27/2022) Kim Nielsen Lei Song
HIM 4940 (Recertification) Professional Practice Experience (9/21/2022) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
ALS 3050 Introduction to Leadership Development (9/9/2022) Adrienne Soden Michelle Walker
THR 1100 (Recertification) Introduction to Theatre (8/12/2022) Holly Monsos Michael Douglas
HED 6640 (Recertification) Governance and Administration in Higher Education (8/1/2022) Snejana Slantcheva-Durst Mingli Xiao
CSET 3300 (Recertification) Database-Driven Websites (7/17/2022) Hong Wang Sylvia Suh
ALS 3050 Organizational Behavior (6/23/2022) Adrienne Soden Michelle Walker
RCRT 5410 (Recertification) Facility Planning and Design (6/10/2022) Eric Longsdorf Michael Douglas
ETPT 6510/8510 (Recertification) Teaching and Learning at a Distance (6/2/2022) Judy Lambert Mingli Xiao
HIM 2230 (Recertification) Healthcare Documentation Requirements (4/19/2022) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
RCRT 6020 (Recertification) Financial Resources in Recreation and Recreation Therapy (4/16/2022) Ruthie Kucharewski Rachel Barnes
ETPT 5000/7000 (Recertification)

Introduction to Educational Technology (4/14/2022)

Berhane Teclehaimanot Mingli XIao
ECON 1200

Principles of Microeconomics

Kevin Egan Michelle Walker
HIM 3240 (Recertification)

Health Information Administration Practices (3/22/2022)

Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
FINA 2000

Personal Investing (3/1/2022)

Shawn Tysiak Rachel Barnes
ETPT 5550/7550 (Recertification)

Using Internet in the Classroom (2/28/2022)

Judy Lambert Mingli Xiao
BUAD 6400

 Results-Based Management (2/28/2022)

Jenell Wittmer Rachel Barnes

HIM 3940

Healthcare Content and Record Management

Nilgun Sezginis

Rachel Barnes

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Courses QM Certified in 2021


Course Title Instructor Instructional
CIVE 1150 Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Alex Spivak Sylvia Suh
ETPT 5210/7210 (Recertification) Introduction to Multimedia and Web Design
Judy Lambert Mingli Xiao
ETPT 6150/8150 (Recertification) Designing Instruction for Diverse Learners
Judy Lambert Mingli Xiao
CIVE 4710/5710 Advanced Engineering Systems Modeling
Eddie Chou Sylvia Suh
DST 6000 Disability Studies in Theory and Practice
Rebecca Monteleone Lei Song
HIM 2260 (Recertification) Legal issues in HIM (11/7/2021) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
NURS 4300 Informatics in Nursing (11/3/2021) Jim Oberlander Sylvia Suh
PSLS 3440 Professional Sales (11/1/2021) Ellen Pullins Rachel Barnes
CI 6830 (Recertification) Curriculum Issues and Trends (10/29/2021) Rebecca Schneider Mingli Xiao
NURS 4500 Leadership and Professional Development (9/29/2021) Kelly Lewandowski Sylvia Suh
RCRT 5340 (Recertification) Leisure, Recreation, and Aging (8/25/2021) Holly Eichner Michael Douglas
MKTG 6220 Integrated Marketing Communications (8/24/2021) Iryna Pentina Rachel Barnes
NURS 4400 Quality and Safety in Nursing (8/11/2021) Carol Bryan Sylvia Suh
RCRT 5300 (Recertification) Recreation and Adaptation for Special Education (8/3/2021) Claire Copa Michael Douglas
MKTG 3880 Marketing Research and Data-Based Management (7/25/2021) Iryna Pentina Rachel Barnes
HIM 2300 (Recertification) Healthcare Resources, Payers, and Consumers (7/17/2021) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
MET 2210 Technical Thermodynamics (6/23/2021) Carmen Cioc Sylvia Suh
HIM 2210 (Recertification) Medical Linguistics in Ancillary Services (6/2/2021) Nilgun Sezginis Rachel Barnes
RCRT 5320 (Recertification) Administration in Recreation and Recreation Therapy (5/6/2021) Ruthie Kucharewski Rachel Barnes
BUAD 2080 Global Environment of Business (4/13/2021) Ellen Pullins Rachel Barnes
BUAD 2050 Accounting for Business Decision-Making (4/12/2021) Karen Green Rachel Barnes
ALS 3060

Topical Seminar: Wildlife Crimes (4/7/2021)

Matt Reising Rachel Barnes
NURS 4340

Population Focused Care (4/2/2021)

Liz Grothaus Michael Douglas
BUAD 3010

Principles of Marketing (4/1/2021)

Bashar Gammoh Rachel Barnes
EECS  5460 Power Systems Management
Gary Leidich / Raghav Khanna Sylvia Suh
BUAD 6300 Strategic Marketing and Analysis
Bashar Gammoh Rachel Barnes
NURS4520 Pathopharmacology for the Practicing RN (1/27/2021) Patty Sopko Sylvia Suh

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Courses QM Certified in 2020


Course Title Instructor Instructional
MET 2120

Strength of Materials for Technology

Carmen Cioc Sylvia Suh
ACCT 3110

Intermediate Financial 1

Nancy Snow Rachel Barnes
EECS 5790

Network Security

Weiqing Sun Sylvia Suh
EECS 4240/5240 Power Systems Operation
Raghav Khanna Sylvia Suh
ACCT 3120 Intermediate Financial 2
Diana Franz Rachel Barnes
SPED 4060 Specialized Intervention in Infancy and Early Childhood
Dixie Newell Mingli Xiao
BMGT 2020 Human Resource Development
Selina Griswold Rachel Barnes
BMGT 1540 Organizational Behavior
Selina Griswold Rachel Barnes
ARTH 1500 (Recertification) Art in History
Thor Mednick Michael Douglas
CHIN 1090 Chinese Culture
Mingli Xiao Mingli Xiao
ALS 3040 Understanding How We Learn
Sylvia Suh Sylvia Suh
CIEC 3350/5350 Child, Family, & Public Policy in Early Childhood Education
Colleen O'Neil Mingli Xiao
NURS 4360 Theory and Collaborative Practice
Liz Grothaus Sylvia Suh
CSET 4850 Computer and Network Security
Weiqing Sun Sylvia Suh
EECS 4480/5480 Power Electronics
Raghav Khanna Sylvia Suh
MIME 4980 Additive Manufacturing
Halim Ayan Sylvia Suh

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Courses QM Certified in 2019


Course Title Instructor Instructional
NURS 4110 Applied Health Assessment Across the Lifespan
Colleen Quinlan Sylvia Suh
BMGT 2750 Cultural Communication in the Workplace
Selina Griswold Rachel Barnes
UTLV 1000 (Recertification) Online Teaching Certificate
Mingli Xiao Phoebe Ballard, Rachel Barnes, Michael Douglas, Lei Song, Sylvia Suh
GNEN 5500  Applications of Engineering Analysis 
Carmen Cioc Sylvia Suh
UTLV 2000 ADA Compliance and Online Courses
Lei Song Lei Song
ACTG 1040 Principles of Financial Accounting
Kathleen Fitzpatrick Rachel Barnes
MET 4200 Mechanical Design II 
Carmen Cioc Sylvia Suh

PUBH 6520/
HEAL 8520

Public Health Nutrition

Debra Boardley

Claire Stuve

HIM 4910

Integrative Capstone Experience

Nilgun Sezginis

Rachel Barnes

HIM 2320

Ambulatory Clinical Classification Systems & Services

Nilgun Sezginis

Rachel Barnes

ACCT 3100

Financial Accounting and Analysis

Nancy Snow

Rachel Barnes

CI 6890

Theory and Research in Learning and Teaching

Rebecca Schneider
Qian Wang

Mingli Xiao

MGMT 3700

Best Practices in Diversity Leadership

Selina Griswold

Rachel Barnes

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Courses QM Certified in 2018


Course Title Instructor Instructional

SOC 1010

Introduction to Sociology

Monita Mungo

Sylvia Suh

ARTH 2980

Special Studies: Persuasion and Power

Thor Mednick

Michael Douglas

NURS 4310

Research Methods and Evidence Based Practice

Kristi Reuille

Sylvia Suh

BUAD 3040

Principles of Financial Managemen

Shawn Tysiak

Rachel Barnes

EET 3250

Network Analysis

Nicole Winhoven-Kamm

Sylvia Suh

HIM 2310

Acute Care Clinical Classification Systems & Services

Nilgun Sezginis

Rachel Barnes

HURM 6700

Human Resource Management

Jenell Wittmer

Mingli Xiao

SPED 4980

AAC: Young Children with Disabilities

Dixie Newell

Mingli Xiao

LAWT 6600

Compliance Skills

Sue Ann Hochberg

Michael Douglas

NURS 4390

Health Promotion and Wellness Across the Lifespan

Kelly Lewandowski

Sylvia Suh

NURS 5910/ 7910

Advanced Nursing Research

Linda Pierce

Sylvia Suh

CHEM 4210/ 6210/ 8210

Environmental Chemistry

Andy Jorgensen

Sylvia Suh

FINA 3060

Personal Finance

Shawn Tysiak

Rachel Barnes

NURS 4350

Transition to BSN Practice

Carol Bryan

Sylvia Suh

GIFT 5100

Introduction to Talented and Gifted Education

Robert Schultz

Mingli Xiao

CSET 3250

Client-Side Scripting

Hong Wang

Sylvia Suh

SPED 4700/4710

Meeting the Needs of Young Children with Disabilities

Patricia Hollopeter

Mingli Xiao

CSET 3100

Advanced Web Site Design

Hong Wang

Sylvia Suh

HIM 4210

Healthcare Statistics, Registries, and Research

Marie Janes

Rachel Barnes

CIEC 4600/ 4610

Supporting Math and Science in Early Childhood Education 

Patricia Hollopeter

Mingli Xiao

CI 4400

Reading in the Middle Grades

Eric Pilcher

Mingli Xiao

UTLV 4000

Online Course Design Certificate

Phoebe Ballard
Mingli Xiao

Phoebe Ballard
Mingli Xiao
Rachel Barnes

SPED 5270/ 7270

Team Models and Community Networking

Dixie Newell

Mingli Xiao

CHEM 1090

Elementary Chemistry

Elizabeth Zhurova

Sylvia Suh

HIM 4300

Performance Improvement and Quality Outcomes in Healthcare

Marie Janes

Rachel Barnes

GEPL 3900

Environmental Planning

Patrick Lawrence

Sylvia Suh

RCRT 5310

Leisure and Popular Culture

Eric Longsdorf

Rachel Barnes

BUAD 2040

Financial Accounting Information

Nancy Snow

Rachel Barnes

RCRT 5200

Planning & Promotion of Sport Tourism

Ruthie Kucharewski

Rachel Barnes

ARTH 1500

Art in History - VC

Linda Meyer

Rachel Barnes

RESM 5220

Applied Assessment for Improved Practice

Noela Haughton

Mingli Xiao

CIVE 4690

Sustainability Engineering

Defne Apul

Sylvia Suh

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Courses QM Certified in 2017


Course Title Instructor Instructional

CI 6900

Master’s Research Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction

Rebecca Schneider, Qian Wang

Mingli Xiao

ART 1030

Multi-Cultural Art Appreciation

Jason Cox

Michael Douglas

CHEM 5230

Chemistry of Sustainable Materials

Dean Giolando

Sylvia Suh

CHEM 6200

Green Chemistry

Mark Mason

Sylvia Suh

CI 3340

Phonics and Word Identification for Middle Childhood Education

Susan Parks

Mingli Xiao

HIM 4500

Health Informatics and Information Management

Marie Janes

Rachel Barnes

HIM 4230

Compliance and Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Nilgun Sezginis

Rachel Barnes

RCRT 6000

Issues and Trends in Recreation and Recreation Therapy

Eric Longsdorf

Rachel Barnes

HIM 2350

Reimbursement Methodologies

Nilgun Sezginis

Nilgun Sezginis
Rachel Barnes

THR 1100

Introduction to Theatre

Holly Monsos

Holly Monsos

CSET 3300

Database-Driven Websites

Hong Wang

Sylvia Suh

HIM 4940

Professional Practice Experience

Marie Janes

Marie Janes
Rachel Barnes

MATH 1330


Claire Stuve

Claire Stuve

HED 6640

Governance and Administration in Higher Education

Snejana Slantcheva-Durst

Mingli Xiao

LAWT 6600

Compliance Education

Sue Hochberg

Phoebe Ballard
Lei Song

RCRT 5410

Facility Planning and Design

Eric Longsdorf

Rachel Barnes

ETPT 6/8510

Teaching and Learning at a Distance

Judy Lambert

Mingli Xiao

RCRT 6020

Financial Resources in Recreation and Recreation Therapy

Ruthie Kucharewski

Rachel Barnes

ETPT 5/7000

Introduction to Educational Technology

Berhane Teclehaimanot

Mingli Xiao

HIM 3240

Health Information Administration Practices

Marie Janes

Marie Janes
Rachel Barnes

COMM 3340

Visual Communication I

Phoebe Ballard

Rachel Barnes

BMGT 2700

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

Selina Griswold

Selina Griswold
Shujuan Wang

ETPT 5/7550

Using the Internet in the Classroom

Judy Lambert

Mingli Xiao

BUAD 6400

Results-Based Management

Jenell Wittmer

Jenell Wittmer
Shujuan Wang

CHEM 5100

Principles of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Claire Cohen

Christopher Prevette

RCRT 5420

Leisure Program Research Techniques

Eric Longsdorf

Rachel Barnes

UTOL 2000

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Training

Claire Stuve

Claire Stuve

HIM 2230

Healthcare Documentation Requirements

Nilgun Sezginis

Christopher Prevette

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Courses QM Certified in 2016


Course Title Instructor Instructional

ETPT 5/7210

Intro to Multimedia and Web Design

Judy Lambert

Mingli Xiao

ETPT 6150/8150

Designing Instruction for Diverse Learners

Judy Lambert

Mingli Xiao

HIM 3940

Healthcare Content and Record Management

Marie Janes

Marie Janes

CI 6830

Curriculum Issues and Trends

Rebecca Schneider

Mingli Xiao

RCRT 5300

Recreation and Adaptation

Wendy Maran

Rachel Barnes
Sylvia Suh

RCRT 5340

Leisure, Recreation and Aging

Holly Ann Eichner

Rachel Barnes

HIM 2260

Legal Issues in Health Information Management

Nilgun Sezginis

Nilgun Sezginis
Christopher Prevette

HIM 2300

Healthcare Resources, Payers, and Consumers

Marie Janes

Marie Janes
Phoebe Ballard

HEAL 1310

Nutrition for Fitness and Health

Jessica Sloan Kruger

Rachel Barnes

LIBR 1000

Information Literacy Project

Elaine Reeves
Jonee Lee

Jonee Lee
Phoebe Ballard

HEAL 3300

Drug Awareness

Jessica Sloan Kruger

Rachel Barnes

SLP 3030

Normal Language Acquisition

Stephanie Hughes

Mingli Xiao

RCRT 5320 

Administration in Recreation and Recreation Therapy

Ruthie Kucharewski

Rachel Barnes 

HIM 2210

Medical Linguistics In Ancillary Services

Marie Janes

Marie Janes

SLP 6300

Phonological and Articulatory Disorders

Caroline Menezes

Mingli Xiao

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Courses QM Certified in 2015


Course Title Instructor Instructional

HEAL 1360

Alcohol and Contemporary Issues in College

Jessica Sloan Kruger

Rachel Barnes

YC 1000

First Year Experience/Strategies for College Success

Rachel Barnes
Jonee Lee

Rachel Barnes
Jonee Lee

REL 1220

World Religions

Jeanine Diller

Mingli Xiao
Robert Nix

HED 8010

History of Higher Education

David Meabon

Jonee Lee

EBUS 3180

Web Design for Business Communication

Peter You

Jonee Lee

ASTR 1010

Survey of Astronomy

Kathy Shan

Christopher Prevette

ARTH 1500

Art in History

Thor Mednick

Phoebe Ballard

MATH 1320

College Algebra

Kevin Gibbs

Christopher Prevette
Claire Stuve

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Courses QM Certified in 2014


Course Title Instructor Instructional

GERO 5420

Grief and Bereavement Issues in Older Adulthood

Barbara Kopp Miller

Christopher Prevette

UTLV 1000

Online Teaching Certificate

Phoebe Ballard
Mingli Xiao

Phoebe Ballard
Mingli Xiao

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Last Updated: 12/17/24