Center for Education in Mass Violence and Suicide


PAST center-sponsored EVENTS:

Free to talk: an interactive conversation about mental health

Students are struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and pressures of being in college.  This is an open forum for students, faculty and staff to encourage the breaking of stigma surrounding mental health and the sharing of on- and off-campus resources and policies.

Location:  Collier Building Room 1200, The University of Toledo Health Science Campus

S.T.R.I.V.E. to Survive: Simulation Training in Violent Events

In a climate of increasing incidents of mass violence, learning how to stay safe is crucial. Attend an active educational session about how to prepare and respond to a crisis.

Location:  Lloyd A. Jacobs Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center, The University of Toledo Health Science Campus

viewing of code-9: Officer needs assistance

Emergency Response Providers enter the scene of a critical incident to provide necessary services. Vehicle accidents, fires, foreign or domestic terror are becoming increasingly familiar. Critical incidents of high impact occur in K-12, institutions of higher education, hospitals, places of worship, workplaces, and entertainment venues. Due to the sights, sounds, and demands of these crises, police officers, military and medical personnel have high rates of trauma-related stress that often rises to the level of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Further, two to three times more police officers commit suicide than are killed by felons, and officers are at seven times greater risk of suicide than the average American. The toll on families and friends is immeasurable. Police officers and other emergency response personnel needing psychological help are often labeled weak. Fearful of the stigma, many don’t reach out for help. Early intervention means quicker recovery, saved relationships, saved jobs, saved lives. The film will also highlight area resources for everyone in the community as well as provide an introduction to the development of Northwest Ohio’s Critical Incident Stress Management Team.

Location: Memorial Field House Auditorium, The University of Toledo, Main Campus




Questions? Let's connect.

Lisa Pescara-Kovach, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Education in Mass Violence and Suicide

Last Updated: 6/27/22