Chemical Engineering

Enrollment/Graduation Data

Enrollment Data

The undergraduate enrollment and graduation history for the Chemical Engineering Department is provided below. The enrollment numbers are for the fall semester of the indicated academic year. The number of graduates is the total for the summer, fall, and spring semesters of the indicated academic year. Approximately 80% graduate in the fall semester in accordance with the model curriculum flowsheets.

Chemical Engineering Program Enrollment History:

Fall 2018                               343                      

Fall 2019                               339

Fall 2020                               310

Fall 2021                               247

Fall 2022                               224


Chemical Engineering Program Degrees Awarded:

AY 2018/19                            76                       

AY 2019/20                            61

AY 2020/21                            58

AY 2021/22                            59

AY 2022/23                            59


2016 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.81
Average ACT=27
5 High School Valedictorians


2015 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.77
Average ACT=26
2 High School Valedictorians


2014 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.73
Average ACT=27
4 High School Valedictorians


2013 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.80
Average ACT=27
3 High School Valedictorians


2012 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.71
Average ACT=27
6 High School Valedictorians


2011 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.74
Average ACT=27
2 High School Valedictorians


2010 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.77
Average ACT=27
1 High School Valedictorian


2009 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.65
Average ACT=27
3 High School Valedictorians


2008 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.72
Average ACT=26
4 High School Valedictorians


2007 Freshmen Statistics

Average GPA=3.67
Average ACT=26
3 High School Valedictorians

Last Updated: 7/15/24