Activities and Opportunities
The cursus honorum (“course of honors”) was the path of formation for a Roman citizen to become a statesman. It entailed exercising duties and receiving honors in service to one’s political community. Reflecting America’s inheritance from the Roman republic, the Institute’s programs and activities offer students the opportunity to achieve excellence while pursuing formation for civic life.
Convivium is the Institute’s monthly hospitality hour. This is a fraternal light reception intended to allow students and Institute faculty to mingle and engage in conversation over light refreshments or coffee. Convivia run monthly during the academic year.
Colloquium is a small-group discussion of a core text. Institute faculty host Colloquia in the evenings throughout the semester. These conversations introduce students to a variety of texts, questions, and perspectives from across historical and disciplinary arenas. Readings range from the classical to the contemporary as determined by the professor.
At the beginning of each semester, a full list of Colloquia topics will be available on the Institute’s website. Institute Scholars take two Colloquia each semester.
Disputatio is a structured discussion between two Institute faculty on a controversial question or issue. Faculty explore the issue, defining the terms of the debate and setting out the key arguments before opening up the conversation to all participants. The Disputatio may take the form of a debate; however, the purpose of this event is for all participants to explore the breadth and depth of a disputed question in a thoughtful and civil manner.
Explicatio is a lecture given by an Institute faculty member to introduce a text from one of the Institute’s courses. These lectures are open to the public and are framed for a diverse audience. The Explicatio showcases texts and ideas that are core to the Institute’s mission while offering students, parents, and the wider public an opportunity to experience the Institute’s curriculum firsthand.
Traditio Nights
Institute Scholars will receive invitations to Traditio Nights, which are group discussion dinners led by the Institute’s faculty. Dinners are provided by the Institute and typically held off-campus. Traditio Nights may be held in connection with invited lectures, or they may concern a specific discussion topic that is of interest to the students.
Annual Undergraduate Symposium
The Institute hosts an annual formal gathering of students who are involved with the
Institute. This event may take the form of an academic conference in which selected
students present research projects. Or the symposium may involve student discussion
The annual symposium concludes with conferral of honors on Civitas Scholars, announcement of undergraduate awards, and recognition of student achievements.