Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive Icon

Active University of Toledo Students, Faculty and Staff are given 1TB of OneDrive storage

Sign in to and select OneDrive to:

  • Save your files to OneDrive and access them from any device, anywhere
  • Create documents on your computer and edit on your laptop, phone, or tablet.
  • Easily share files and photos with others.
  • Collaborate on your Office documents at the same time
  • Keep your files safe:  If something happens to your device, you don't have to worry about losing your files or photos – they're in your OneDrive. And OneDrive is encrypted using SSL.
  • Share files, folders, and photos. No more large email attachments or thumb drives.

OneDrive Overview:


 OneDrive Guides - Learn how to:

  • Create and Save Files
  • Share Files
  • Recover Deleted Files
  • Mobile Device Setup for OneDrive
  • How to use the OneDrive Mobile App

Faculty and Staff OneDrive Sync Client
Files saved to the Desktop, Documents, and Pictures folders on your Windows 10 workstation. 



Last Updated: 7/15/24