College of Law

American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)

Name and Location of Externship American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) 
Field Supervisor David Borer
Prerequisites Completed one year of law school. Experience in labor law or employment law, constitutional law, administrative law, and/or federal civil procedure is helpful.  
Credit Hours 2-4 fall and spring; 2-6 summer 
Minimum Hours Required  
Semesters Available Any 
Type of Work Student Will Perform Research, limited case review, contacts with district, local, and national office union officials, verify and relay specific information, and assistance in the preparation of various cases for litigation, appeal, grievance, or arbitration 
Type of Placement Available PSEC

Key for Type of Placement Available:

 PSEC = Public Service Externship Clinic
 V   =    Volunteer
 FWS =  Federal Work Study
 F/S  =  Fellowship/Stipend

Last Updated: 7/15/24