College of Law

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Name and Location of Externship White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Field Supervisor  
Prerequisites U.S. citizens enrolled in law school or an LL.M. program
Credit Hours 2-4 fall and spring; 2-6 summer 
Minimum Hours Required  
Semesters Available Any 
Type of Work Student Will Perform Work on Executive Orders, proclamations, memos to the President and senior White House officials on science and technology matters; gain experience on issues of ethics, information disclosure, international agreements, litigation, legislation affairs, Congressional oversight, constitutional law, statutory interpretation, employment, appropriations, fiscal law, and government contracts.
Type of Placement Available PSEC

Key for Type of Placement Available:

 PSEC = Public Service Externship Clinic
 V   =    Volunteer
 FWS =  Federal Work Study
 F/S  =  Fellowship/Stipend

Last Updated: 7/15/24