College of Law

Social Security Office of the General Counsel

Name and Location of Externship Social Security Office of the General Counsel (Chicago, Ill.)
Field Supervisor Michael Gregory
Prerequisites 2L, 3L, Students with strong writing skills & an interest in written advocacy are encouraged to apply. 
Credit Hours 2-6 summer 
Minimum Hours Required  
Semesters Available Summer
Type of Work Student Will Perform Assist in drafting summary judgment motions in federal district court, responding to Freedom of Information Act & Privacy Act matters, drafting pleadings in bankruptcy court, visit/interact with internal & external partners. 
Type of Placement Available PSEC

Key for Type of Placement Available:

 PSEC = Public Service Externship Clinic
 V   =    Volunteer
 FWS =  Federal Work Study
 F/S  =  Fellowship/Stipend

Last Updated: 7/15/24