College of Law

U.S. Congress, Fifth District

Name and Location of Externship U.S. Congress, Fifth District 
Field Supervisor Robert Latta/Andrew Lorenz 
Credit Hours 2-4 fall and spring; 2-6 summer 
Minimum Hours Required  
Semesters Available Any 
Type of Work Student Will Perform Interns will work closely with the Congressman and staff on a variety of issues related to civil service; one on one with constituents on issues such as social security, veteran’s affairs, immigration as well as general legislative concerns. 
Type of Placement Available PSEC

Key for Type of Placement Available:

 PSEC = Public Service Externship Clinic
 V   =    Volunteer
 FWS =  Federal Work Study
 F/S  =  Fellowship/Stipend

Last Updated: 7/15/24