Department of Medicine: Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Biostatistics and Epidemiology - Graduate Courses

Introduction to Biostatistics


Application of statistical techniques with particular emphasis on problems in the biomedical sciences. Included  in  this  course  are data collection and presentation; basic probability theory, the concept of populations   and   samples, confidence  intervals;  test  of  significance, correlation  and  regression, analysis of variance; and nonparametric methods.

Advanced Biostatistics


Application of advanced  statistical techniques with particular emphasis on problems in the biomedical sciences. Included in the course are multiple regression, methods  of analysis of variance, categorical data analysis including logistic regression, nonparametric, survival  analysis and multivariate methods. Problems whose solutions involve using a statistical program (SAS or SPSS). The applied portion of the  course  is tailored  according  to the need of the students registering for the course. Students from  a wide variety of  programs at MUO, UToledo and BGSU are usually registering for this course.



PUBH603 Advanced Epidemiology  (PDF file of course descriptions)
Course coordinator

PUBH617 Molecular and Genomic Epidemiology  (PDF file of course descriptions)
Course coordinator

INDI 534 Statistical Method I
Course Coordinator


BIPG520/720 Statistical Method in Bioinformatics    
Course Coordinator

PUBH611 Categorical Data Analysis  (PDF file of course descriptions)
Course coordinator

PUBH600 Public Health Statistics  (PDF file of course descriptions)

PUBH 612 Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases  (PDF file of course descriptions)


PUBH601 Advanced Statistics  (PDF file of course descriptions)
Course coordinator -Teaching Effort: 100%

PUBH601 Clinical Epidemiology  (PDF file of course descriptions)
Course coordinator -Teaching Effort: 100%

PUBH601 Public Health Epidemiology  (PDF file of course descriptions)
Teaching Effort: 20%

Applications BIPG 640 Application of Bioinformatics, Proteomic and Genomics  
Teaching Effort: 10%


Independent study in statistics
Independent study in epidemiology
Independent study in bioinformatics

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Last Updated: 7/15/24