Department of Medicine

UToledo's Medicaid Equity Simulation Project

UToledo’s Medicaid Equity Simulation (MES) advances health equity for the Medicaid population by addressing cultural competency and awareness of implicit bias through interactive simulation-based trainings.  

The simulations are designed to facilitate engagement between healthcare professionals and individuals facing housing challenges via an interactive learning experience.  The simulations highlight scenarios that address housing instability/homelessness within the context of social determinants of health.  They are customized toward healthcare providers who serve Medicaid and other underserved populations.  

This training tool will enhance an individual’s awareness and understand the impact social determinants of health have on vulnerable members of society. 

Upon completion of all three (3) simulations, participants will receive one (1) continuing medical education (CME) credit or cultural competency certificate for those that may not qualify for receiving CME credit.

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Case 1: Simone Quinones

Case 2: Earl Bledsoe

Case 3: Alan Johnson

Simone Quiones Earl Bledsoe Alan Johnson

Simone Quiones is a 40-year-old African American female and mother of two.  She currently lives in a homeless shelter, is estranged from her family, and her children live with her sister.  She has a history of diabetes.

Earl Bledsoe is a 70-year-old white male. He has a history of COPD symtomps, self-reports acid reflux symptoms (GERD), and chronic back pain.  He is an unemployed homeless Vietnam veteran. Earl’s visits to the clinic are infrequent.

Alan Johnson is a 25-year-old African American male.  He is a single father currently living in a family homeless shelter with his son.  His past medical history includes gastrointestinal-irritable bowel syndrome, skin-eczema and emotional stress.  Alan works part-time and has some college education.

Last Updated: 7/15/24