College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Obstetrics and Gynecology Elective

Title of Clerkship: Obstetrics and Gynecology Elective

Elective Year: Third Year Elective

Department: Obstetrics and Gynecology

Type of Elective: Clinical 

Clerkship Site: ProMedica Health System

Course Number: OBGY 763

Blocks Available: ALL

Number of Students/Block: 1

Faculty: Dr. Burton Brodsky

Elective Description:The student will have the opportunity to participate in outpatient and inpatient care of obstetrics and gynecology patients. The student will be integrated into attending’s practice and will be involved with call coverage, outpatient clinics, inpatient care, labor and delivery management, and gynecologic surgery.

Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks

Course Learning Objectives and Links to EPOs:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in obtaining a complete obstetrical and gynecologic history, performing a physical exam, and generating a differential diagnosis, evaluation and treatment plan for obstetrics and gynecologic patients. (EPOs: PC2, PC8, MK1, MK4)
  2. Explain the significance of history, physical findings, lab data, and imaging studies of various obstetrical and gynecologic conditions. (EPOs: IPC2, SBP5, PC6, PC7, PC8)
  3. Document complete patient notes in the electronic health record. (EPOs: MK1, MK6, PC5, PC6)
  4. Identify and describe anatomical landmarks as they relate to ob/gyn surgical procedures. (EPOs: MK1, MK6, PC5, PC6)
  5. Describe the steps of cesarean and vaginal deliveries. (EPOs: MK1, MK4, MK6, MK7, PC2, PC4, PC5, IPC2, PBL1)
  6. Describe the management of postpartum hemorrhage and shoulder dystocia. (EPOs: MK1, MK4, MK6, PC2, PC8, PC9, IPC1, IPC2)
  7. List the components of a well woman exam for the different age groups, including the recommended screening studies and labs. (EPOs: MK1, MK4, MK6, MK7, PC6)
  8. Provide contraceptive counseling based on a patient’s underlying medical context and personal preferences. (EPOs: MK2, MK4, MK6, MK7, PC1, PC2, PC4, PC6, PC7, IPC2, IPC3)

Professionalism: UTCOMLS students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the sponsoring department.

Instructional Methods:

  1. Clinical experience, ambulatory– Student will be assigned where the attending is assigned.
  2. Clinical experience, inpatient
  3. Patient presentation, learner
  4. Conferences – attend Grand Rounds, M&M, journal club, and applicable resident didactic teaching sessions.
  5. Independent learning (assigned readings)

Evaluation Methods

  1. Clinical performance (Preceptor evaluation(s))
  2. Mid-clerkship formative feedback (at least 1)
  3. Participation (surgical knot tying, suturing, completion of required readings, etc.)
  4. Clinical documentation review (Completion of a minimum of 2 new patient history and physical)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of third year required clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology.  Proficiency at knot tying and suturing.

Special Notes: Attending travels to other ProMedica sites to support gynecologic surgery procedures.  Student is expected to be at those sites with the faculty and must have ability to provide own transportation.  Student will do call experiences with the faculty but will not exceed an 80-hour work week.  Student’s schedule will ensure that they have at least 24 hours off prior to starting their next clerkship. 

Clerkship Director: Catherine Van Hook, MD

Clerkship Coordinator: Tammy Brittian
Phone number: (419) 291-3122

ECC Approved
April 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24