College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Pediatric Endocrinology Elective

Title of Elective: Pediatric Endocrinology Elective

Elective Type: Department: Third Year Elective Pediatrics

Clerkship Site: ProMedica Russell J. Ebeid Children’s Hospital, 2142 N Cove Blvd, Toledo, OH 43606 Endocrine and Diabetes Care center, 2100 W Central Ave, Suite 100, Toledo 43606

Course Number: PEDS 763

Blocks available: Permit required

Number of students per block: 1

Faculty: Kathleen Moltz MD; Loyal Coshway MD, and other faculty.

Elective Description/ Requirements:

This elective will provide the student with an introduction to the evaluation and management of pediatric patients with endocrine disorders and diabetes mellitus. The student should develop a general diagnostic approach to the endocrine system and gain knowledge of the use of laboratory determinations in these diseases.

Length of Course: 4 weeks

Educational Course Objectives:

  • Perform focused H&P for a patient with growth or puberty issues, and present relevant lab and radiology data. Generate a differential diagnosis and initial evaluation/management plan. EPOs: MK 1, MK2, MK3, MK4, MK5, PC1, PC2, PC3 
  • Perform focused H&P for a patient with diabetes, present relevant lab data. Identify trends in glucose data and possibilities for addressing issues. EPOs: MK 1, MK2, MK3, MK4, MK5, PC1, PC2, PC3 
  • Describe Tanner (sexual maturity) stages for girls and boys. EPOs: MK1, MK2, MK3, MK13 
  • Demonstrate thyroid examination, and examination for insulin injection/infusion site hypertrophy. EPOs: MK1, MK2, MK3, MK13 
  • Identify common genetic syndromes with endocrine presentations and/or risks. EPOs: MK1, MK2, MK3, MK13 
  • Observe insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring training as available. EPOs: MK1, MK2, MK3, PBL5, PBL7

Professionalism:  UT/COMLS students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:            

  1. Ambulatory Care Experience
  2. Clinical case presentations/discussions
  3. Grand rounds
  4. Inpatient rounds
  5. Interpretation of lab and radiographic data
  6. Lecture
  7. Residency program/department conferences
  8. Teaching rounds

Evaluation methods employed:

  1. Attendance
  2. Case presentation
  3. Faculty/Resident observation and assessment of clinical skills

Prerequisites: Successful completion of third year required Pediatric clerkship and have already registered/completed a UT Pediatric elective.

Clerkship Director:  Rajat Kaul, MD

Clerkship Coordinator: Joe Osinski
Phone Number:  419-291-0377

Special Requirements: None

Approved by ECC June 2020

Last Updated: 7/15/24