College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Otolaryngology Elective

Title of Clerkship: Otolaryngology Elective 

Elective Type: Fourth year elective

Department: Surgery

Clerkship Site: 370 E. Chicago St, Coldwater, MI

Course Number: ENTS 714

Blocks available: All

Number of students per block: 1 

Faculty: Dr. Edward Jankowski

Elective Description/Requirements:
Designed for students pursuing Otolaryngology residency.  This clerkship is designed to expose medical students to common ear, nose and throat problems such as recurrent tonsillitis, otitis media, hearing loss, swallowing problems, hoarseness, dizziness, chronic ear disease, sinusitis, maxilla facial trauma, snoring, sleep apnea.  

Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks

Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:

  1. Perform a surgical history and physical examination focusing on otolaryngology problems. (EPOs: PC-1, IPC-1, MK-1, MK-4, PC-6, PBL-2)
  2. Evaluate patients with basic otolaryngology problems. (EPOs: PC-7, PC-8, PC-9, MK-4, MK-7)
  3. Interpret audiogram, tympanogram, and sinus CT. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7)
  4. Write a complete patient order including interpretation of laboratory and radiographic/imaging studies. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7)
  5. Assist in minor procedures and in the operating room. (EPOs: PC-5)
  6. Synthesize the clinical information to formulate a differential diagnosis and treatment of common otolaryngology problems. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7)
  7. Evaluate the pre and postoperative otolaryngology patient. (EPOs: PC-7, PC-8, PC-9, MK-4, MK-7)
  8. Accurately present patient information concerning the patient’s condition, progress and results of laboratory and radiographic/imaging studies. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, PC-1, PC-6, PC-7 )

Professionalism:  UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.  

Instructional Methods:

  1. Interpretation of lab data
  2. Diagnostic tests/use and interpretation
  3. Small group discussion
  4. Teaching rounds
  5. Ambulatory care experience       

Evaluation Methods Employed

  1. Clinical competency evaluations
  2. Professional assessments
  3. Presentation
  4. Attendance

Prerequisites: Successful completion of required third year clerkships.
Clerkship Director: Stephanie Pannell, M.D.

Clerkship Coordinator: Claudia Davis
Phone Number: 419.383.3580

Special Requirements: Rotation requires approval from clerkship director through the coordinator.  On call and other special requirements will be at the discretion of the preceptor and clerkship director.  

ECC Approved
March 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24