College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Emergency Medicine Required - Bay Park

Title of Clerkship: Emergency Medicine (EM)

Elective Year(s): Fourth-Year Elective

Department: Emergency Medicine

Type of Elective: Clinical

Clerkship Site: Bay Park Hospital Emergency Department

Course Number: ERMD 719

Blocks Available: All

Number of Students/Block: 2 Students

Faculty: Allen Williams, MD, Jeff Trager, DO, Brian Kaminski, DO, Ryan Gombash, MD

Elective Description/Requirements: During this required rotation, students will hone skills in the rapid evaluation and assessment of undifferentiated patient complaints. Students will become efficient at identifying and stabilizing critically ill and injured patients. During these 2 weeks, each student will work 64 clinical hours in the ED. Students will evaluate and manage Emergency Department patients under the direct supervision of EM faculty and residents. Students will obtain an accurate and complaint-directed medical history and physical examination for each patient encounter and develop a differential diagnosis for these presentations. Students will present cases in a clear, concise, and organized fashion and appropriately document such information. Students will become proficient at communicating their clinical impression and adequately interpret commonly performed diagnostic studies used in the Emergency Department.

Length of Clerkship: 2 Weeks

Links to Core Competencies/Educational Course Objectives: At the end of this elective, the student will be able to:

  1. Document an accurate history and physical examination. (EPOs: MK-4, PC-1)
  2. Present patient care plans that include differential diagnosis, diagnostic, and treatment plans. (EPOs: MK-4, MK-7, PC-6, PC-7, PC-8)
  3. Describe the underlying pathophysiology of clinical conditions that are seen in the ED. (EPOs: MK-4, MK-6, MK-7)
  4. Explain how results from EKG, laboratory and radiology studies will impact a patient’s diagnosis. (EPOs: MK-4, PC-6)
  5. Demonstrate professionalism by being punctual and respectful of the ED team. (EPOs: MK-2, MK-3, PB-1, PB-2, PB-3)
  6. Explain how a patient’s cultural beliefs will impact how a provider communicates with the patient and/or his/her family. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-2, MK-3, IPC-1, IPC-2, IPC-3, PB-1, PB-3)
  7. Communicate a plan for immediate stabilization, assessment, and definitive care of acutely ill patients to entire treatment team including EMS personnel. (EPOs: PC-8)
  8. Describe how to prioritize patients who present to the emergency department with acute conditions. (EPOs: MK-6, PC-6, PC-7, PC-8)
  9. Explain the reason for obtaining a consultation and/or why a patient requires admission. (EPOs: PC-6, PB-1, PB-3, PB-6, SBP-3)
  10. Perform a multitude of procedures as patient presentation allows including-venipuncture, intravenous catheter placement, urinary catheter placement, laceration repair and nasogastric tube placement. (EPOs: PC-5, PC-7, PBL-1, PBL-2, PB-3)

Professionalism: UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:

  1. Resources:Tintinalli’s EM, Mulford Library/website (UptoDate), Clerkship guide (website), Rosh review.Individual case management with faculty
  2. Patient presentation to faculty/residents
  3. Preceptorship (Individual case management with faculty)
  4. Emergency Medicine Simulation Lab
  5. Lecture (Emergency Medicine Didactic Conferences) except for the month of July
  6. Clinical experience -inpatient

Evaluation Methods:

  1. Clinical performance rating (clinical competency evaluation) observation and assessment of clinical skills.
  2. Professionalism
  3. Participation (Attendance at Conference, Workshops, and ED Clinical Shifts)
  4. Institutionally developed clinical performance (Simulation exam) Interdepartmental
  5. Final Written Examination
  6. Completion of patient case log and procedure logs

Prerequisites: Successful completion of third year and a passing USMLE Step 1 score.

Clerkship Director: Allen Williams, MD

Clerkship Coordinator: Amy Blevins
Phone Number: 419-383-6318

Special Requirements: None

ECC Approved
January 2024

Last Updated: 7/15/24