College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Cardiology - MSVMC

Title of Clerkship: Cardiology – Cardiology - MSVMC

Elective Year(s): Fourth-Year Elective

Department: Internal Medicine

Type of Elective: Clinical

Clerkship Site: Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center (MSVMC)

Course Number: MEDI 759

Blocks Available: All

Number of Students/Block: 1

Faculty: J. Cohen, M.D. – A. Kabour, M.D. – T. Welch, M.D. - M. Al-Khateeb, M.D. - R. Hashmi, M.D. - M. O’Connor, M.D. - T. Kanaan, M.D.

Elective Description/Requirements:

This clerkship provides the student with exposure to diverse cardiac problems in a setting of a community hospital. The student will be expected to do a history and physical exam on patients assigned to him or her during either admission to the service or consultation. The student will present the case to the residents on the service and the attending cardiologist during rounds. The cardiologist makes rounds on a daily basis and the student is expected to accompany the attending cardiologist on rounds. Students will also have the opportunity to observe various procedures and in appropriate settings may actually assist in doing some procedures. It is anticipated that the student will be allowed to evaluate and follow 3 – 5 patients per week. Each student must complete two on-line modules to prepare for their role as teachers of junior medical students.

Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks

Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:

  1.  Interview patients collecting pertinent data concerning the patients’ presenting problems. (EPOs: PC-1)
  2. Perform a complete or focused physical examination as appropriate and distinguish normal from abnormal findings. (EPOs: PC-1)
  3. Synthesize information to develop a reasonable differential diagnosis and be prepared to present to preceptor. (EPOs: PC-7)
  4. Following an assessment of all assigned patients, students will describe the chief problems and a plan for treatment. (EPOs: PC-7)
  5. Prepare a complete H & P for a new patient admitted to the service and chart the results. (EPOs: PC-1)
  6. Periodically re-evaluate patients’ status including interpretation of new history and physical exam finding. (EPOs: PC-1)
  7. Use and interpret laboratory and radiographic tests used in diagnosing common disease. (EPOs: PC-6, MK-4)
  8. Recognize and manage situations related to common diseases that are potential emergencies. (EPOs: PC-8)
  9. Identify ethical problems which arise in patient treatment and care. (EPOs: PB-1, MK-1)
  10. Use ethical principles to reach a resolution in a presented case. (EPOs: PB-1, MK-1)
  11. All students participating on this clerkship will meet or exceed the institutional standards forbprofessional behaviors as evidenced by (EPOs:PB-1, PB-2, PB-3)

Professionalism: UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:

  1. Small group – clinical skills
  2. Interpretation of lab data
  3. Diagnostic tests – use/interpretation
  4. Online module
  5. Lecture/media
  6. Independent study
  7. Inpatient rounds

Evaluation Methods:

  1. Attendance
  2. Case presentation
  3. Case write-up
  4. Clinical log
  5. Faculty/resident
  6. Narrative
  7. Professionalism assessments
  8. Clinical evaluation form

Prerequisites: Successful completion of required Internal Medicine Clerkship

Clerkship Director: Mani Askari, M.D.

Clerkship Coordinator: Dawn Jagodzinski; Mackenzie McNair
Phone Number: 419-383-5022

Special Requirements: On call two to three times per week. 100% patient care.

ECC Approved
June 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24