College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Neurological Surgery Acting Internship

Title of Clerkship: Neurological Surgery Acting Internship 

Elective Type: Acting Internship, Neurological Surgery 

Department: Surgery

Type of Elective: Clinical

Clerkship Site: University of Toledo Medical Center

Course Number: NEUS 702

Blocks available: All

Number of students per block: 1

Faculty: Jason Schroeder, M.D. and Alastair Hoyt, M.D.

Elective Description/Requirements:
In the Advanced Neurological Surgery elective the student will be integrated into the Neurosurgery Service as a sub-intern, with appropriate responsibility for diagnosis and management of patients. The student will be assigned a specific Neuroscience topic for presentation.  Students required to perform at least 3 full H&P’s and 3 discharge summaries.

Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks 

Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:

  1. Independently perform a focused history and comprehensive neuro exam. (EPOs: PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-4)
  2. Assess and describe signs and symptoms of common lumbar and cervical root syndromes. (EPOs: MK1, MK4, MK6, MK7, PC6, PC7)
  3. Evaluate the patient in coma and discuss the differentiated diagnosis of coma. (EPOs: MK1, MK4, PC1, PC-6, PBL-2)
  4. Evaluate the patient with head or spinal cord injury. (EPOs: MK1, MK4, PC1, PC-6, PBL-2)
  5. Evaluate the patient with increased intracranial pressure and differentiate between symptoms related to brain tumors, intracranial hemorrhage and stroke. (EPOs: MK1, MK4, PC1, PC-6, PBL-2)
  6. Synthesize the history, diagnostic, and clinical information to formulate a differential diagnosis and suggested treatment plan of patients with common neurological syndromes. (EPOs: IPC-1, IPC-2, PC-1, PC-3)
  7. Evaluate and review the journal literature pertinent to a selected area  reviews. (EPOs: PBL-2, SBP-4, MK-7)
  8. Write a complete and accurate daily progress note including interpretation of results of laboratory and radiographic/imaging studies. (EPOs: IPC-1, IPC-2, PC-1, PC-3, PC-4, PC7) 
  9. Accurately present patient information concerning the patient’s condition, progress and results of laboratory and imaging studies. (EPOs: IPC-1, IPC-2, PC-1, PC-3)

Professionalism: UT/COMLS students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Core Competencies and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:

  1. Interpretation of lab data
  2. Diagnostic tests-use/interpretation
  3. Small group discussions
  4. Case studies
  5. Ambulatory care experience
  6. Grand rounds
  7. Teaching rounds
  8. Residency program/departmental conferences

Evaluation methods Employed:

  1. Clinical competency evaluations
  2. Faculty/Resident observation
  3. Professional assessments
  4. Attendance
  5. Case write up

Prerequisites: Successful completion of required Surgery clerkship.

Clerkship Director: Stephanie Pannell, M.D.

Clerkship Coordinator: Claudia Davis
Phone Number: 419.383.3580

Special Requirements: Participation in night call is recommended because many cases come in after hours.  A call schedule may be arranged per individual faculty member.

Approved by ECC
June 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24