General Obstetrics and Gynecology Acting Internship
Title of Clerkship: General Obstetrics and Gynecology Acting Internship
Elective Year(s): Fourth-Year Elective
Department: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Type of Elective: Clinical
Clerkship Site: Cleveland Clinic Akron General – Akron, OH
Course Number: OBGY 708
Blocks Available: All
Number of Students/Block: 1
Faculty: Natalie Bowersox, MD (Director), Jennifer Savitiski, MD, Trina Pagano, MD, Mark Davis, MD, Philip Smelcer, MD Melissa Kirven, MD, Barry Fish, MD
Elective Description/Requirements: During this acting internship experience, the student will have the opportunity to participate in outpatient and inpatient care of obstetrics and gynecology patients. The student will be integrated into an attending’s practice as an acting intern and will be involved with call coverage, outpatient clinics, inpatient care, labor and delivery management, and gynecologic surgery. Students will also prepare a brief literature review pertaining to a common ObGyn clinical problem for presentation at morning conference.
Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks
Links to Core Competencies/Educational Course Objectives: At the end of this elective, the student will be able to:
- Present an independently obtained focused and comprehensive Obstetrics and Gynecology patient history. (EPOs: PC-1)
- Perform independently, a focused physical examination. (EPOs: PC-1)
- Prepare organized, focused, and accurate oral patient presentations (EPOs: IPC-1, IPC-2)
- Document a clinical encounter in the electronic health record. (EPOs: PC-1)
- Integrate diagnostic and clinical information to formulate a primary and complete differential diagnosis. (EPOs: PC-6, PC-7, MK-4)
- Develop a management plan with diagnoses to be addressed in order of importance to the patient and while meeting her expectations. (EPOs: PC-6, PC-7, PC-9, SBP-5)
- Identify normal and abnormal pelvic anatomy during operative cases. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4)
- Perform basic surgical skills, including knot-tying and surgical instrument handling. (EPOs: PC-5)
- Identify the impact of social factors such as race, food insecurity, medical comorbidities on comprehensive Obstetrics and Gynecology care. (EPOs: SBP-1, SBP-2, SBP-3, SBP-5, SBP-6, PB-1)
- Incorporate feedback, self-reflection, and improvement into daily practice. (EPOs: PBL-1, PBL-3)
Professionalism: UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.
Instructional Methods:
- Clinical experience, inpatient
- Patient presentation, learner
- Conferences – attend Grand Rounds, M&M, journal club, and applicable resident didactic teaching sessions.
- Independent learning (assigned readings)
Evaluation Methods:
- 1 Mid-Clerkship Formative Feedback Form
- Clinical documentation review (Log completion of a minimum of 2 new patient history’s and physicals in RocketMed)
- Preceptor clinical competency evaluation/s
Prerequisites: None
Clerkship Director: Catherine Van Hook, MD.
Clerkship Coordinator: Tammy Brittian
Phone Number: 419-291-3122
Special Requirements: One week of night float; Maximum number of days approved for time off is 2 days during rotation. If additional time is needed, the request must be approved by the elective Director PRIOR to the start of the elective rotation.
ECC Approve
April 2024