College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Orthopaedic Surgery Research Elective – UTMC

Title of Clerkship: Orthopaedic Surgery Research Elective – UTMC

Elective Year(s): Fourth Year

Department: Orthopaedic Surgery

Type of Elective: Non-Clinical/Research

Clerkship Site: The University of Toledo Medical Center

Course Number:  ORTH 702

Blocks Available: All

Number of Students/ Block: 5

Faculty: Abdul A. Mustapha, MD; Ahmed Suparno, MD

Elective Description/ Requirements:
A four-week research elective can be structured to involve investigation into most areas of orthopaedics according to the interest of the particular student. 

Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks

Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:

  1. Analyze information needed by identifying the current level of knowledge, the desired level of knowledge, and the type of information needed to reach the desired level of knowledge. (EPOs: PBL1, PBL2)
  2. Compare and contrast the type of information found in each class of resources and to select sources based on the information needed. (EPOs: PBL2, PBL3)
  3. Develop and execute search strategies in a variety of online resources that will effectively and efficiently produce precise search results. (EPOs: PBL1, PBL2)
  4. Identify and use resources in support of presentation and publication, with the possibility of being an author. (EPOs: IPC2)
  5. Describe why some types of articles provide stronger evidence than others, and to use resources. (EPOs: PBL3)
  6. Describe issues influencing information retrieval and use, including the structure of the scientific literature, and legal and ethical issues (copyright). (EPOs: PBL1, PBL3)
  7. Develop a personal information management plan to keep on top of the literature in a specialty using technical tools. (EPOs: PBL1, PBL2. PBL3)
  8. Demonstrate personal understanding of issues and application of skills through successful assistance in a research project (EPOs: PBL3)

UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department

Instructional Methods:

  1. Clinical case presentations/ discussions
  2. Diagnostic tests – use/ interpretation
  3. Independent study
  4. Interpretation of lab data
  5. Lecture
  6. Residency program/ department conferences

Evaluation Methods:

  1. Attendance
  2. Faculty observation of behavior
  3. Written paper/ project, which includes some reflections on performance

Prerequisites: Successful completion of required surgery clerkship

Special Requirements: n/a 

Clerkship Director:  Abdul A. Mustapha, M.D.

Clerkship Coordinator: Kelly Kovacs
Phone Number: 419.383.6236

ECC Approved
April 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24