College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Pathology Elective – Bryan AHEC (4 Week)

Title of Clerkship: Pathology Elective – Bryan AHEC (4 Week)

Elective Type: Fourth Year Elective

Department: Pathology

Clerkship Site: Bryan, Ohio

Course Number: PATH 721

Blocks available: By request through AHEC Center Office.

Number of students per block: 1

Faculty: Shannon Keil, M.D., Pathologist; Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers; Bryan OH

Elective Description/Requirements:
Students will spend their time in the pathology department of Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers. They will observe and assist with the gross examination of surgical specimens and the microscopic examination of a wide range of anatomical pathology specimens.

Length of Clerkship: 4 Weeks

Links to Core Competencies: Educational Objectives:

  1. Knowledge of the normal structure and function of all organ systems. EPOs: MK-1
  2. Knowledge of the molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms related to normal and abnormal function. EPOs: MK-2
  3. Knowledge of underlying causes of common disorders and their pathogenesis. EPOs: MK-3
  4. Knowledge of altered structure and function (pathology and pathophysiology)associated with various diseases. EPOs: MK-4
  5. Knowledge of clinical manifestations of common diseases. EPOs: MK-5
  6. Knowledge of scientific principles required to practice evidence-based medicine. EPOs: MK-7
  7. Knowledge of ethical principles that govern decision making in medicine. EPOs: MK-9
  8. Knowledge of normal and abnormal human behavior. EPOs: MK-10
  9. Knowledge of the manner in which people of diverse cultures and belief systems perceive health/illness and respond to symptoms, diseases and related treatments. EPOs: MK-11
  10. Knowledge of the non-biological determinants of health and the economic, psychological, social and cultural factors that contribute to health and disease. EPOs: MK-12
  11. Knowledge of gender, cultural and other biases that impact delivery of health care. EPOs: MK-13
  12. Knowledge of fundamentals of medical professionalism. EPOs: MK-14
  13. Knowledge of fundamental principles of preventive medicine and population/public health. EPOs: MK-15
  14. Knowledge of fundamental principles of patient centered and team based care, patient safety as well as quality improvement in health care delivery. EPOs: MK-16
  15. The ability to obtain an accurate, relevant focused history that covers all essential aspects of the history. EPOs: PC-1
  16. The ability to conduct accurate, relevant focused history and physical in appropriate clinical situations. EPOs: PC-3
  17. The ability to use knowledge of the most frequent clinical, laboratory, radiographic and pathological manifestations to interpret the results of commonly used diagnostic procedures. EPOs: PC-7
  18. The ability to construct appropriate common diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients with common conditions, both acute and chronic. EPOs: PC-8
  19. The ability to retrieve (from electronic databases and other resources), manage, and utilize biomedical information to deliver safe and effective clinical care. EPOs: PC-10
  20. The ability to deliver care in interprofessional teams. EPOs: PC-11
  21. Ethical, responsible, reliable and dependable behavior in all aspects of their professional lives and a commitment to patients, society and the profession. EPOs: PB-1
  22. Honesty and integrity in all interactions with patients, families, staff, colleagues and others with whom students interact in their professional life. EPOs: PB-2
  23. Professionalism in dress, grooming, manner of speech and personal interactions with patients, families, staff, colleagues and others with whom students interact in their professional life. EPOs: PB-3
  24. Respect for the privacy and dignity of patients and their families. EPOs: PB-4
  25. Compassionate treatment of patients. EPOs: PB-5
  26. Knowledge of, and respect for other health care professionals, and of the need to collaborate with others in caring for patients as well as promoting population health. EPOs: PB-6
  27. Knowledge of key principles required for delivery of culturally competent care. EPOs: PB-7
  28. Professional maturity by appropriately managing conflicts, coping with personal and professional stress and showing flexibility in potentially ambiguous situations. EPOs: PB-8
  29. The ability to communicate effectively in a timely manner, both verbally and in writing, with patients, patients’ families, colleagues, and others. EPOs: IPC-1
  30. The ability to communicate effectively with colleagues within one’s discipline as well as other health professionals in a respectful, professional and timely manner with patients, families and community at large. EPOs: IPC-2
  31. The ability to communicate in a culturally competent manner with patients, families and community at large. EPOs: IPC-3
  32. The ability to apply principles of cultural competencies to all aspects of health care delivery. EPOs: IPC-4
  33. The ability to incorporate all forms of feedback in identifying gaps in knowledge, skills and professionalism and implement remediation plans. EPOs: PBL-3
  34. The ability to utilize information technology in improving medical knowledge and delivering care to patients and populations. EPOs: PBL-4
  35. The ability to apply fundamentals of basic sciences to clinical problems. EPOs: PBL-7
  36. The ability to identify and report systems error as well as identify solutions. EPOs: SBP-4
  37. The ability to participate effectively in and deliver care in an interprofessional team. EPOs: SBP-5

Professionalism: UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:

1. One-to-one preceptorship to develop clinical skills.
2. Problem-solving skills.

Evaluation Methods Employed:

1. Attendance
2. Faculty/resident observation and assessment of clinical skills
3. Professionalism assessment

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Yrs. 1 & 2, and a passing score on USMLE Step 1.

Bryan AHEC Center Office Contact: Rachel Froelich, MSN, RN
Phone Number: 419.630.2106

Clerkship Director: Amira F. Gohara, M.D.

Clerkship Coordinator: Mary Okdie
Phone Number:
Email: 419-383-3477

Special Requirements: None

Last Updated: 7/15/24