College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Plastic Surgery

Title of Clerkship: Plastic Surgery 

Elective Type: Fourth year elective

Department: Surgery

Type of Elective: Clinical

Clerkship Site: Toledo Hospital

Course Number: PSRG 714

Blocks available: All

Number of students per block: 1

Faculty: Richard Simman, M.D.

Elective Description/Requirements:
The focus will be to develop a basic understanding of the clinical sciences as they pertain to reconstructive and cosmetic surgical procedures. Students will evaluate and manage the pre and post operative plastic surgery patient.  There will be exposure to a wide variety of wound care as well.  Students will spend time in the wound care clinic at The Toledo Hospital to understand the techniques of wound care dressing and how to manage them.

Length of Clerkship: 2 weeks

Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:

  1. Perform and document a proficient surgical history and physical examination with pertinent findings. (EPOs: PC-1, IPC1, MK1, MK4, PC6, PBL2)
  2. Identify and explain the indications for cosmetic surgical procedures. (EPOs: PC-7, PC-8, MK-4,  MK-7)
  3. Acquire basic procedure by demonstrating tissue handling technique, suturing technique, and skin closure. (EPOs: PC-5)
  4. Apply principles of the basic science of wound management, including performing debridement and dressing changes. (EPOs: PC-5, PC-6, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7)
  5. Accurately present the key steps of cosmetic procedures. (EPOs: PC-6, MK-7)
  6. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate a tissue defect and formulate a reconstructive plan. (EPOs: PC-6, PC-7, PC-8, MK-1, MK-4)
  7. Identify the important anatomic findings related to the various normal and pathologic conditions encountered on the service. (EPOs: PC-1, PC-6, PBL-2, MK-1, MK-4, MK-5, MK-7)
  8. Implement a plan for postoperative pain management and the pharmacology of commonly used narcotic conditions encountered on the service. (EPOs: MK-1, MK-4, MK-6, MK-7, MK-8, PC-1, PC6, PC-7)

Professionalism: UT/COMLS students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.

Instructional Methods:

  1. Interpretation of lab data
  2. Diagnostic tests-use/interpretation
  3. Small group discussion
  4. Case studies
  5. Ambulatory care experience
  6. Grand Rounds
  7. Teaching rounds
  8. Residency program/department conferences

Evaluation methods Employed:

  1. Clinical competency evaluations
  2. Faculty/Resident observation
  3. Professional assessments
  4. Attendance
  5. Case write up

Prerequisites: Successful completion of required Surgery clerkship.

Clerkship Director: Stephanie Pannell, M.D.

Clerkship Coordinator: Claudia Davis
Phone Number: 419.383.3580

Special Requirements: Participation in night call is recommended because many cases come in after hours.  A call schedule may be arranged per individual faculty member.

ECC Approved
June 2023

Last Updated: 7/15/24