Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Acting Internship
Title of Clerkship: Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Acting Internship
Elective Year(s): Fourth Year Elective
Department: Neurosciences and Psychiatry
Type of Elective: Clinical
Clerkship Site: UTMC – Kobacker Center - Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Inpatient Unit
Course Number: PSCH 709
Blocks Available: Students must check availability with Psychiatry Clerkship and Curriculum Coordinator prior to enrolling in a course
Number of Students/Block: Maximum 1 student; Availability varies due to the number of other learners (medical students enrolled in required clerkship, Psychiatry residents, etc.) scheduled to be on the inpatient unit at the same time.
Faculty: Tanvir Singh, M.D., Jamie Migliori, M.D.
Elective Description/Requirements: The student participating in this course as an acting intern will be part of an interprofessional health care team on the Child / Adolescent Psychiatry Inpatient Unit at UTMC’s Kobacker Center, a short-term inpatient treatment unit for children and teens ages 18 years and younger who are experiencing behavioral and/or emotional problems. The acting intern will evaluate assigned patients upon admission, assist in developing and implementing individualized treatment plans, and contribute to creating and maintaining a supportive and therapeutic treatment milieu. The student will gain exposure to various treatment modalities, including medication management, psychoeducation groups, group therapy, and individual psychotherapy. The student enrolled in this course will communicate with family members when appropriate, participate in discharge planning, and identify access to community-based resources. Opportunities to follow assigned patients during initial outpatient appointments following discharge will be pursued when possible. As an acting intern, the student enrolled in this course will assist in the education of students completing their Psychiatry required clerkship experiences.
Length of Clerkship: 4 weeks
Educational Course Objectives and Links to EPOs:
- Explain the neurobiological changes underlying the mood disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders commonly seen in children and adolescents. (EPOs: MK-3, MK-4, MK-7)
- Discuss the potential impact of social determinants on the health of children and adolescents encountered on the inpatient unit. (EPOs: SPB-2)
- Independently conduct an organized, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate assessment of a child and an adolescent admitted for inpatient treatment. (EPOs: PC-1, PB-1)
- Prioritize a differential diagnosis, recommend and describe the scientific basis for, and the economic impact of, diagnostic evaluation. (EPOs: PC-6)
- Recommend specific, evidence-based therapeutic interventions after discussing the indications, contraindications, potential adverse reactions, and likely outcomes of each. (EPOs: PB-1, PC-7)
- Communicate effectively with hospitalized children and adolescents, their families, and all members of their interprofessional treatment team. (EPOs: PB-1, PC-4)
- Participate effectively in the exchange of information with other healthcare providers during transitions of care. (EPOs: PC-9, IPC-1, IPC-2, SBP-5)
- Apply knowledge of medical ethics to clinical situations commonly encountered with children and adolescents in inpatient psychiatric settings. (EPOs: PC-2, PB1)
- Self-identify and examine limitations, strengths, and preconceived notions about one’s ability to work autonomously, and request closer supervision when necessary. (EPOs: PBL-1, PBL-2)
- Incorporate feedback from others into an assessment of knowledge and performance. (EPOs: PBL-3)
- Set learning and self-improvement goals; and identify appropriate resources to address gaps in knowledge and skills. (EPOs: PBL-2)
Professionalism: UT/COM students will meet or exceed the institutional standards for professionalism as stated in the current Educational Program Objectives and the current Educational Course Objectives for the Sponsoring Department.
Instructional Methods: Clinical assessment, presentation, and discussion; use/interpretation of appropriate laboratory and diagnostic tests; mentored clinical practice; teaching rounds; and student self-directed learning
Evaluation Methods: Clinical documentation review; clinical competency evaluation of performance, including narrative assessment; student self-assessment
Prerequisites: The student must have successfully completed all required clerkships prior to enrolling in this course.
Clerkship Director: Chandani Lewis, M.D.
Clerkship Coordinator: Micheal’e Hands
Phone Number: 419-383-5615
Special Requirements: None
ECC Approved
July 2023